"Nothing, I just don't appreciate you picking on my shoes." I shrug, casually trying to give off the impression that I'm affected by his words. When really, I just like watching him baffled. That small line between his brows shows and he squints lightly.

"I wouldn't have to rag on them if you didn't wear them,'' he reflects. "I'm going to buy you new shoes."

"I don't want new shoes."

"I don't care."

"You should."

"And why is that?" He raises a brow, tilting his head to the side as it rests on his large palm. The hospital-like lights reflect off his tan skin and cast shadows under his nose and lips. I stare at them a moment too long, forgetting my point until I can regain composure.

"Because it would be a waste of money." I state proudly, lifting my chin to the air as I look around the room. My ass is starting to hurt in this chair and unlike Harry's home furniture, they don't smell pleasant. "I wouldn't wear them."

"I could always tie you to my bed and force them on you,'' Harry smirks, teeth showing faintly as he glares at the side of my bewildered face. Even when not seeing him straight-forward, I can tell his dimples are peaking.

My eyes remain wide as I slowly turn my head, a strange expression displayed on my face as I most likely look constipated or sick. "You really shouldn't say things like that,'' I warn, his eyes darkening as he comes to the same conclusion as I.

The next few minutes are filled with comfortable silence, the distraction Harry was keeping up now faded and my nerves bubbling over the seems even more. I know it is only moments away now and the anticipation for whatever is to happen has me biting my nails and rocking slightly.

"Hey,'' Harry brings me out of my thoughts, his right hand landing on my knee to stop its bopping. The glint in his eyes calms me slightly, chin leniently ducked to measure up to my eyes. "It's fine, trust me. I won't let her stab you too much."

My eye rolls immediately, lips being cut off from speaking with the sound of the hallway door opening.

"Noelle, I can see you now." Nurse Linda kindly says, shifting her gaze between me and Harry and then his hand that sits on me knee absentmindedly. As soon as he realizes her obvious confusion, Harry removes his hand and shifts uncomfortably.

"Okay,'' I speak up, grabbing the arm rests on the stiff chair to assist myself to my feet. The uncertainty in her chocolate eyes is now non-present, but instead light crinkles form on her middle-aged skin.

"Will you be coming in alone?" Linda whispers into my ear as I pass her. My confused vision trails back to where I was previously sitting, seeing an awkward standing Harry, unsure to stay or follow me.

His hands tuck into the pockets of his uniform, one hand shifting to scratch his chin and the light stubble that litters the sharp features of his jawline. An adamant smile crosses his lips and I look back to the nurse, ''Yes, please."

The last thing I want is for him to see me cry. That is if I can last that long before my anxiety gets the better of me.

"Harry,'' Linda calls, his eyes diverting to hers immediately. "We should be finished with the tests sometime later in the afternoon. I'll call you when you can come pick her up."

"Yeah, okay. I'll.. see you then, then." He nods, walking out the most awkward I've ever seen him. My eyes divert back to Nurse Linda now as we become the only people in the ward, her smile returning kindly as she signals her hand to the door.

"Right this way, Noelle."


After running multiple tests on my blood and sampling a piece of my hair, Nurse Linda walks to her corner and makes several notes onto her clipboard. The slick cursive writing trails a few lines long, leaving me to sit nervously in anticipation to whether everything is all right or not.

21 Murders | Harry Styles AU (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now