His boyfriend, had been fucking people since the age of eleven starting with in Corey's words his fit baby sitter. And holy shit Joey was jealous. He had to wait until he was seventeen to fuck someone. And it wasnt al that great. He wasnt attracted to girls. And after he blew his load In a few he was done. And so he left. It wasnt until he slept with a guy he thought sex was brilliant.

Sex with Corey had been amazing. It was raw, passionate, full of love, but also care. Joey was in high bliss and it ment everything.

But he had lost it.

Joey watched him nervously sit on the sofa. Looking behind him and out the door.

"What's wrong?"


"Look I know about your one night stand so if she is still here dont worry about it. I'm not judging." Joey said

"Uh..." he raised an eyebrow.

Joey smiled softly "sorry to be a pain but can I have sone coffee."

"Hey jim have you seen-"

Joey gasped as he walked in.

He had been here all along?

Jim went red slowly.

Corey looked less than happy.

"What are you doing here?" Corey asked

"I." Joey felt a little anger rise in him "I could ask you the same thing."

"Fine." Corey said "I'm here because someone I fucking trusted broke my heart. And i didnt want to be in the same room as them. Does the answer your question?"

Joey looked down "yeah...I suppose it does."

"Now what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted some company." Joey said "considering everyone hates me because of you." Joey suddenly snapped.

"Woah woah woah?" Corey said "because of me..what have I done?"

Joey glared "because of what I accidentally responded to you with everyone hates me."

Corey was silent until suddenly it dawned upon him "wait a minute. They wouldnt hate you...unless you told them! Joey dont tell me. Do not tell me you told everyone about the argument. Dont tell me what you told everyone the argument was about..."

"I...well I did...I was pissed corey what do you expect me to do?"

Corey felt his eyes well with tears as he bit his lip "so....so now everyone knows. Everyone knows I'm this pathetic dirty slut. Everyone knows I'm a whore? Is that what you're telling me?"

Joey blinked in suprise

"Corey...youre none of those things." Jim said

Joey felt a pit of jealously as he looked between them.

"I fucking cant believe you!" Corey yelled.

"Well it's not my fault you came here to sleep with jim!"

Corey stared at him "sleep with him what?"

"Do you love him more than me?"

Corey looked at jim as Jim stared back up at him. Both confused.

"I'm allowed friends Joey? I'm allowed them! I'm a free living person..I'm allowed friends. You...you cant try say that. I could ask the same thing about paul." Corey blinked "are you trying to say I'm a slut?"

"Yeah well you being friends with jim makes me uncomfortable." Joey looked down "and I guess so."

"I don't give a single shit." Corey hissed

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