Chapter one

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You struggle to open the door to your new art studio with one arm wrapping around a big box and the other putting a key in the door knob.

The door flung open leading you into a dusty room. The left side of the room had a nice, brand new, kitchen. The right was an open space with three big windows, showing the downtown area outside. Straight ahead of the front door opening was a hallway with a locked door on the left leading to stairs for your apartment and on the right, the bathroom.

You place the big box in the middle of the room and rush to the car to grab more boxes. The studio was on the right side of the new building you live in. On the left was an apartment/ studio that looked exactly alike except the studio was for dancing.

You've met your neighbor once when viewing the apartment. He was really sweet, and seemed about the same age as you as well, so about like twenty five threw twenty nine?? You're not sure but you definitely know he's around your age.

You reach the car, you open the back door to grab more boxes. You suddenly hear a family voice and whip your head around. A smile grew wide on your face.

"Midoriya!?" You yell to get his attention.
He stops his sentence and looks in confusion. A few seconds later he finally realizes and runs over to you. You give him a big hug and ruffle his hair.

"Oh my god! I can't believe it's you, (y/n)!" He chuckles with a wide smile.

You turn and look at the tall blonde male walking up to us. It was the person Midoriya was talking to.

"Hi! I'm (f/n), (l/n)," You hold your hand out to shake the man's hand. He grasps my hand, making me jump from the size of his hand. It's much bigger than mine.

"I'm-," he quickly got cut off by your gasp.

"Omg all might!" Your eyes sparkle with a wide smile on your face, "I'm a huge fan!"

You felt heat rise to your cheeks. He seemed much older but he was still really good looking. You couldn't stop staring at him until Midoriya poked me.

"Oh uh sorry, Sorry!" I bow for forgiveness.

"It's fine. It happens all the time," he shrugs his shoulders and chuckles. The three of you sit in silence for a few seconds, thoughts bouncing around your head about the former number one hero standing across from you. Midoriya quickly speaks up.

"So what are you up to (y/n)?" He asks still with his little smile on his face.

"Hmm? Oh! I'm unpacking, since this is my new place," you gesture your hand to the apartment building.

"Oh cool! So the studio is right here, huh?" He points to the studio.

"Mhm!" You nod, "wanna come in?" You start walking towards the building.

The two boys look at each other then back at you and follow. You open the door and gesture them in. You walk in behind them.

"So whaddya think?" You ask with a big smile.

"It's a pretty nice place, I have to say" All might replies as he looked around with Midoriya. Midoriya nods in agreement.

The smile grew wider. You were happy they liked it.

"Would you like us to help you unpack?" All might asks with a smile. A light red forms on your cheeks.

"You don't have to- I mean you can if you want to!" You try to act cool. Obviously failing.

"But All Might, What about training?" Midoriya blurts out.

"It's ok, young Midoriya, one day won't hurt" he chuckles.

You started to stare at him again. You smile and lead them back to the car to grab boxes.


Authors note: So I didn't really know how I should introduce them but I promise the story isn't gonna be all over the place as the first few chapters are🙄💅

Sunflower lies~ [all might x reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant