The Prank

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Hi, this is the second part to "The Life and Times of Ginny Weasley" I promise it gets better. I just need to establish the start and then it should get more interesting and hopefully funnier. But I mean, come on, the girl has just been through an awful lot of trauma, I can't start off happy, can I. Anyways, hope you enjoy! (Characters, places and everything really belong to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. Except for any OCs)



"Morning Ginny, want to go upstairs to have a chat with me?" A young woman with bubblegum pink hair and several piercings was standing in the living room. "Sure." Ginny said shortly. When they were in Ginny's room she began looking around at everything. "Love your room, you like Quidditch?" She asked gesturing to the posters on her walls. "Yes... I do, the Holyhead Harpies are my favourite," Ginny blurted. She didn't mean to reveal anything at all to this woman, but she couldn't help it. She was smiley and open and made her want to talk to her.

"I'm Tonks by the way." Tonks stuck out a calloused hand which Ginny shook. "Now, back to Quidditch." Tonks settled herself on Ginny's unmade bed and Ginny sat beside her. "Yes, I love the harpies too, I'm more of a Arrows fan. So, plan on going professional?" She asked. "Mum won't let me fly, she doesn't think it's ladylike." Ginny shrugged. "Rubbish!" Tonks cried. "I played Seeker for Hufflepuff, years 4-7." Tonks said proudly brushing a bit of non-existent dust off her shoulder. "So seriously, do you what to go professional?" "Well... according to mum I've only ever flown at school..." Ginny said quietly. "Ooo a secret flyer... nice!" The pink haired woman high-fived her. Ginny grinned, she was liking her better by the minute.

Tonks came back to the burrow daily and Ginny began looking forward to their chats. They discussed everything from Quidditch to Hogwarts to the ministry and even sometimes the previous year. "You know, I met you when you were younger." "Really?" Ginny asked. "Yeah, Charlie, we were good friends. Came over one time during the summer of 5th year, you were 4? Maybe 5." "Wow... hey tonks?" Ginny asked. "Yeah?" "Can metamorphmagus' turn into other people?" She asked. "How did you know I was a metamorphmagus...?"

Ginny shrugged. "Little things, like the slightly different shade of pink your hair is today, and your nose piercing is gone. I think you grew an inch too..." Ginny pointed out things. "Wow... you're observant... back to your question, it depends on the extent of their power. My transformations can be more limited than others but I can do a little, not exact replicas of the people though." Tonks explained and Ginny nodded. Tonks' watch buzzed and she stood up. "Got to go now kiddo, I'll see you tomorrow Kay?" Ginny nodded almost sadly and waved, Tonks was half out the bedroom door when she added. "Tomorrow we'll talk a bit about Tom, Ok?" Ginny swallowed but nodded.


"Hey Gin Gin!" Fred appeared at her bedroom door. Ever since Ginny had started talking to Tonks she began speaking around the rest of the family too and they slowly stopped treating her like a ticking time bomb. "We would like to ask-" Fred began, "for your help in our next scheme." George appeared behind his twin rubbing his hands with glee. Ginny grinned and let them into her room. "What's the plan?" She asked pulling a thick book from the shelf. "Sugar quill?" She asked, opening the book to reveal a secret compartment with a packet of sugar quills stashed inside. The twins grinned and they sat down on her bed to discuss their plan.

5 hours later Ginny found herself sneaking downstairs in the middle of the night with Fred while George kept a look out. They reached the front door and Fred unzipped his bag, handing off the contents to Ginny who set them up for the prank. She carefully pulled back the wire and hooked it into place before giving the thumbs up to Fred that she was ready. He now stood on the other side of the room and carefully attached the final bucket of stink sap to the wire. He motioned for her to come and Ginny grabbed the now empty bag and nimbly tiptoed through the maze of trip wires, the gaps made to be too large for normal feet but Ginny could do it just fine. In the doorway to the kitchen Fred and Ginny admired their handiwork. George had crept down stairs and he nodded in approval. Yes, this would be quite entertaining.

There was creaking sound from the second floor. Someone was coming! Ginny, George and Fred quickly ducked into the living room, across the hall from the kitchen and hid behind the couch. Ron thudded quietly down the stairs, rubbing his eyes, heading for the kitchen. He didn't manage to get very far. One step into the dining room and buckets of stink sap were being flung from all directions at him. He cried out loudly before falling over. A light flicked on upstairs and Percy was coming down to scold whoever had woken him up. He tripped and fell into the kitchen as well, setting off the flour bomb that sprinkled down like a cloud onto the two brothers. Ginny and George high fived each other while Fred took a picture. "Ah blackmail." He sighed. "Let's get out of here before mum comes down..." George said grinning and the trio scrambled up the stairs, trying not to laugh.

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