44. The Decision

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"But is it enough?"

Brian smiles and nods. "It is, overthinker. Too bad your girl is on vacay; if not, I would be kissing her right now, and you would forget about all those things in your pretty little head."

"The boy is the only one with a pretty little head," I say, wiggling my brows.

"He's not little, Kitten." Brian chuckles. "He's the perfect size for you."

"I don't know about that..."

"You're right." Brian frowns. "We should try and find out. He's probably too big for you, but that's okay, babe. I will be gentle and then kiss it better."

"Too big? You're so full of yourself, O'Brien."

Brian slides his hand to my bum and squeezes it once. "I'd rather you were full of me. I mean, I'd rather your girl would be full of my boy."


"Are you sure you have your monthly visitor, Kitten?"

I shake with laughter, burying my face in the fabric of Brian's tee on his chest. "You're impossible."

"I made you smile, didn't I?"

"Yeah," I whisper.

Brian says nothing, and as I look at his face, I notice it's serious again.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing, baby," Brian rushes to reassure me, cupping my face in his palms. "I was just thinking."


Brian kisses me on the lips and says, "I hate to spoil the moment, but I need to tell you something about the photos you showed me."

"The photos?" I ask, although I know I heard Brian well.

He nods. "Yeah. Pops knows that man. His name is Eric. He's my dad's friend, and they were in a motorcycle club together when they were young."

What Brian told me makes me stare at him. "Motorcycle Club? Do you think my mom was there too?"

"According to Pops, he and his friends never met her. Apparently, something happened, and Eric moved away. He's back now, Kitten, living in the city where Jim lives. I need you to tell me what you want to do, babe. Pops has Eric's phone number, but you have to make the decision. It's up to you. My dad wouldn't do anything unless you want it."

"I do," I say without an ounce of hesitation. "I need answers, Brian. I need to know what happened for my mom to hide the truth from me all these years."

"Pops thinks Eric has no idea he might have a kid," says Brian. "And I don't wanna be a killjoy, baby, but I would do a DNA test if I were you, just to be sure."

"If he agrees to do it. He might not even want to see me."

"Pops says the dude isn't a bad guy, but it's true. You never know. He might be just as overwhelmed as you are, but it wouldn't hurt to try, right?"

I nod. Brian kisses me again, and we go to the kitchen to have dinner.

My appetite is gone, but I manage to finish my food, knowing that I would have to be patient until I get my answers. Brian's dad isn't home, and I have to wait until the following day.

Brian puts our dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and we go back to his room.

I take Brian's T-shirt off him and press my cheek to his chest as we lie in bed. Brian chooses a movie for us to watch. It's a romantic comedy, and I know Brian is trying to make me feel good.

At first, we watch TV and say nothing. It changes a while later. Brian edges forward and presses his lips to mine, and desire rushes through my veins as I kiss him back, opening my mouth to welcome his tongue and burying my fingers in Brian's dark hair.

His hands roam my body, sending all my senses into overdrive.

"Kiss me, Brian," I say, struggling to breathe normally.

"Where, baby?" Brian asks, just as shaken.


I grab Brian's hand and put it on my breast. A soft groan falls off his lips as Brian lifts my hoodie and lowers his head to my chest.

His warm, wet mouth is on me in no time, sucking and kissing. The pleasure is almost too much. I moan, closing my eyes.

Brian doesn't rush. He takes his time driving me crazy with his kisses. I'm desperate for a release I cannot get and even more desperate to feel all of him.

I crave his touch and the pleasure it brings me, but Brian's affection is what I want the most.

I want to be the girl he daydreams about. I want him to imagine our future together. I want his kisses and caresses, and I want him to need me as much as I need him.

I want him to love me, and when Brian kisses me softly and calls me baby as he tightens his hold on me, I let myself believe that he does.

I want him to love me, and when Brian kisses me softly and calls me baby as he tightens his hold on me, I let myself believe that he does

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Hello, hello!

A short one today. We are getting close to the end...sigh.

Thoughts? Predictions?

Is Brian in love, too? Is Eric Leah's dad? What do you think is going to happen now?

Thank you for reading. Your comments make my day.


Love, Alwyn

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Kitten (Brian&Leah,1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt