Chapter Two: The Sighting

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It seems just like a normal day to me, I attend classes, chat with my friends and practice Quidditch as I'm the best, unbeatable Slytherin chaser. Later that night, Amara comes rushing into my dorm (I have a dorm room and bathroom to myself), with red cheeks and gasping for breath, clearly she has legged it here.

"Amara what's up, what's happened!" I urge but not wanting to rush my friend.

Finally, she regains her breath.

"Alera look at me and listen because what I'm about to tell you is big I have no idea how your going to take it." Amara murmurs, clearly she's worried about me.

"Ok," I say sitting down at the edge of my bed casting Amara an intrigued look. Amara kneels down in front of me.

"Ok well um, I have no idea how to tell you this but um, ok Al listen, downstairs I-I kind of saw Draco downstairs." she finally stutters out.

I stare at her for a moment then started to sarcastically laugh.

"Oh haha Amara, that's so so funny wow after everything you have watched me go threw after he left," I say with a sarcastic mock.

"Alera I'm not joking I'm being deadly serious, I would never joke about that, I knew how much pain you were in no how much pain you are in, I did see him I did, Alera I'm telling you he's back." Amara consists.

"I'm not in pain!" I growl

"It's ok Amara it's just he's not back I know he isn't please just stop," I sigh.

Amara touches my shoulder and says "Ok then" and walks out, leaving me alone. I get ready for bed and just lie there thinking whether Draco will ever return to Hogwarts or not. Until I eventually fall asleep for what feels like five minutes before the alarm goes off.

I walk down to the great hall for breakfast, before I go and sit at the Slytherin table with Amara, Raquel and Ursula, I very carefully scan the Slytherin table seeing whether I can spot Draco or not. And, as I expected, he isn't there.

When I sit down with my friends, and whisper to Amara, "See he's not sat at the table" I gesture towards the around the table.

"Who's not at the table," Theo says eating a piece of toast and sitting down on my other side.

"First of all say it don't spray it, and last night Amara came into my room claiming that she saw Draco I mean why would Draco of all people be here!" I exclaim.

Once I say this however, everyone and Amara were exchanging weird looks.

"What," I say with a nervous smile.

"Well... Um Alera there have been rumours going around that he's back." Raquel stutters.

"Whatever," I say while rolling yay eyes and leaving the table.

Later that day:

I'm walking to the library after my lessons to get some extra studying in, and I see someone, someone familiar just standing there, he seems to be waiting for me. Oh merlin, he's seen me. For about one minute we both lock eyes not daring to blink as I think it will just be a dream. In that one minute I forget the last three years of my life as I look into the eyes of the guy I have been mourning, dead or not. I go to step forwards and he starts to walk towards me. And when he does, I all of a sudden flood with anger and my eyes fill with tears. Without even thinking, I turn on the spot and start running back to the Slytherin common room to go to my dorm. When we both used to date, before that even, we would occasionally run around the grounds and thinking he isn't fast, I don't bother to sprint. However, half way there a cold hand grabbed my wrist, I turn around and it's Draco, I shake him off screaming "Get off me!" I sprint back to the common room and all the way up to my dorm. Unfortunately, he knows where my dorm is and within five minutes he finds me sitting there crying at the end of my bed.

A/N: Hi! I really enjoyed writing this chapter I hope you all like it xxxx

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