Just a Touch of Silver Makes The Naughty Wolf Cry

Start from the beginning

“Elena!” I look back to Dante and his eyes burn into mine, “Run. Go now. I’ll create a distraction for you.” 

I hesitate for a moment before my legs start carrying me away from the scene. Memories from my past are racing through my mind and I can feel wetness on my face and I know that I’m crying but I keep running just as Dante had commanded me too. I was worried about everyone from the looks of everything it was clear that this had all been planned and they were going to try and frame Mikhail for it. Why? Why did they want to get rid of Mikhail so bad? It just didn’t make any sense. My body is falling to the grown and there is pain shooting up the right side of my body. I groan as try to gain focus over what is happening. I look to see the Beta standing there breathing heavily as nasty little grin on his face, “Where do you think you're going little she-wolf? Trying to save your friends?" I pull myself up off the ground cringing at the pain in my side he must have bruised my ribs. He watches me with amusement, "You should be less concerned about them right now. You should start worrying about what I'm going to do you once I get my hands on you. If I remember correctly, I told you I was going to kill you.” He laughs a little and a shiver races through me but my need to survive was stronger, “Go to hell.” I say as my eyes flash to silver and my canines elongate getting ready for battle. 

He lunges at me  fast as he pulls something out of his pocket. I steady myself ready to take the brunt of it but then I feel something pierce the skin of my shoulder and it feels like he injected acid into my veins. My eyes go back to normal and my teeth retract as I let out a loud scream of agony as I fall my knees. Every pulse of my heart seems to circulate the acid through my body and soon my writhing and on the ground under him in pain. Biting my lip to keep from crying out, “Silver is extremely painful poison to us while also makes us unable to connect with our other self. It’s a bitch I’ve heard but it’s effective when dealing with an unruly wolf—“ I stare up at him my eyes watering from the pain making it seem like I was crying, “Don’t worry love, I’m not going to kill you yet. First I’m going to have some fun and then I’m going to kill you.” 

He crotches down next to me and then leans down and presses his lips to my neck. I feel like I want to throw up in my mouth. My mind is screaming for me to fight him of but I can’t even move because the pain from the silver is so intense. I feel my self let out a tiny whimper from the back of my throat and now my eyes really are filling up with my emotions. His teeth nip at my skin and I turned my head away the pain shooting through me more. “You know I can see your mate’s mark but I know he hasn’t claimed you fully because his scent isn’t on you.” and I understand what he plans to do and despite the pain I try to struggle with him, “NO!” My voice comes out hoarse and not as loud as I want it. 

His hand covers my mouth and I frantically shake my head back and forth as his free hand moves down my body. His touch makes me wince as he grabs my breast hard. I bite the hand covering my mouth as hard as I can I know it’s not the same as my wolf form. He curses and pulls his hand back, “You little bitch!” He slaps me so hard across the face that I see black spots for a moment. Then his hands are around my throat choking me. I try my hardest to move my hands up to where his are laced around my neck but the silver is draining me of all my energy, “Die you stupid whore! I can’t believe you were supposed to be some mighty Luna. Mother of wolves. Looks like you’re about to be the mother of dirt and earth worms to me.” He laughs to himself half crazed as he tightens his hold further. Things start to grow dark when I hear a loud snarl behind us. The Beta looks up and his eyes open wide and his hold on my neck loosens a bit. 

I see a flash of brown before the Beta is ripped off my body. I am coughing and gasping for air as I look to see the giant brown wolf rip the Beta’s head clean from his body. I quickly look away from the sight feeling like I might throw up. I closed my eyes and press my face into the cool dirt in hopes of taking away some of the pain. A hand touches me on the arm and cringe until I hear a familiar voice, “Elena?” I open my eyes and turn slowly to see the boy who I had been helping the whole time I had been here. My eyes open wide, “You just saved my life—“ I say my voice still hoarse but the pain was being to subside a bit. His eyebrows drew together, “Yeah." 

I cover his hand with mine, "Thank you--" I could cry I'm so happy to not be dead. 

"Are you okay? Can you stand up?” he asks me. 

I shake my head, “I don’t think I can right now. He stuck me with silver.” The boys eyes darkened for a moment and he let out a growl and than he reached out and scooped me up into his arms which surprised me because I clearly remember him looking pretty scrawny the other day, “Where were you headed?” He asks me with a serious expression. I look at him still in shock, “To Victor. Dante told me to wait for him, Mikhail and the others there. I’ll tell you how to get there.” He nods his head and starts running with me in his arms like it was nothing. 

“You’re strong—“ I say absentmindedly. I hear a tiny snort, “After I shifted for the first time I guess you could say my wolf and I got a lot stronger. Now I know what I’m supposed to do—“  I look up at him curiously, “What’s that?” 

“I have to find the Supreme Alpha and protect him. He’s near by. My wolf can sense it—“ The shy boy from before was gone and the person helping me was completely changed. He and I really were the same all along I guess. We weren't rogues, we were something completely else. 

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