The Pantry

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           Today was Mother's Day. Tanya had decided the night before that she would make blueberry pancakes for her mother. So as soon as the alarm clock sounded, Tanya silenced it, and tip-toed down to the kitchen. When Tanya went in the kitchen, she grabbed a mixing bowl, the the mixer, and a pan from the cabinet. From the refrigerator, she grabbed milk, eggs, and a carton of blueberries. Next, she had to get the pancake mix. Tanya bit her lip. The pancake mix was in the pantry. The pantry always creeped Tanya out. Reasons why:

1. As soon as you get inside, the door starts to close, unless you put your hand on it.

2. The hinges on the door need to oiled, so when it does close, it makes a sound like this- eeeeeeeeeeeuuueeeeeeuuueeeeeiiiiiieeeee- lot of vowels, right?

3. The lightbulb blew out a couple of years ago, so it's always pitch black in here.

4. All the kids in the neighborhood said that Tanya's house was haunted, and the ghost lived in the pantry.

                  Wouldn't you be at least a little scared to go in there? Tanya's lip started bleeding, because she was biting it so hard. She pressed a napkin to it, and took a tiny step towards the pantry. Stop it! Your being silly! There's nothing in there! If Tanya really knew what was in that pantry, she would've known that she was not being silly. In fact she was extremely brave and daring just standing there in the house. But she didn't know, so what happened to her happened. She took tiny steps to the pantry, taking as much time as she dared. Then with one swift  step, she was in the pantry. Nothing to be afraid of, she told herself. With trembling hands, she reached up for the pancake mix, which was in the top shelf. Tanya's shirt lifted up slightly, revealing a small part of her stomach. She's had this shirt for two years now, so of course it's going to be a little small. Suddenly, she felt a strong, cold, wrinkly hand grab her waist, right where the bare skin was showing. Tanya froze solid. "L-Let-t me-e g-g-go." she said. The thing grabbing her laughed. Still cackeling, it jerked her towards it, then into the pantry, where he locked her in. Tanya started to sob, and screamed, "Please, just let me go! Please!" When she realized that the thing wasn't going to respond, she started screaming for her parents. No one came. Eventually, she was interrupted. "I wish I could turn the lights on, but then you'd just be more scared." Curiosity got the better of Tanya. "Why? How could I possibly be more frightened then this?" she said in a small, squeaky voice. The thing laughed, yet again. It was starting to annoy Tanya. "Because then you would be able to see what's hiding behind you." Before Tanya could even turn around, something yanked her from behind. Tanya was never seen again. Well, Tanya was never seen again alive. Her mother later found her dead in the pantry. What a mother's day present.

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