Imagine if they...

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Randomly found themselves at a gay bar

Bon: Don't know how he ended up here, but now when he's here, he's gonna do everything to make sure he gets free drinks and that the band lives up to their name

Angus: Is a bit scared of the fetish people in masks, but tries to ignore them while Bon steals the show, which is kinda hard, since some people think he's into some schoolboy-kink

Malcolm: Is scared, and has hatched a Mission Impossible-like plan to escape trough the window or ventilation. The main exits are being watched. He tries to get Cliff and Phil to help him.

Cliff: Is either in on Mal's plan or he's staying a little while, some of the more conflicted people here need someone who listens-or at least nods-towards their complaints about society and he's kinda amused by the place

Phil: Is not gonna let Bon steal the show and has prepared something extra for the spectators. He would never actually do this but this place has drugs and alcohol

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