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Rod : Hi guys,Did you know?

Brody : Yes?

Swift : No.

Penny : What is it?

Rod : So I was walking near the river and saw a hat drifting away,and I realize that's timmy's Hat.

Rod : You know that I do NOT Like getting wet but guess what?

Brody : You asking for help?

Rod : No.... I jumped into the river and took the hat myself!
Rod : And the funny thing is I don't really mind if I get wet,I feel just fine

Swift : Then ... why you telling us this?

Rod : ...

Everyone : ...

Rod : Oh come on! Doesn't anyone want to praise me?

Penny : Oh... Wow... That's! I guess

Brody : Yeah,You finally face your 1 / 100 fears!

Swift : Good ... You finally realize your stupidity

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