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Orion pushed past the groups of people and ran towards the direction where she saw Sebastian fall. Her ears were ringing and she wasn't sure if it was from the loud crash of the disco ball or all the terrified screaming she kept hearing in her ear. Part of her wanted to join them, fall to her knees and just scream her lungs out but she knew she had to keep fighting.

The Great Hall began to clear out and she finally spotted Dumbledore, who was using a levicorpus spell to levitate Sebastian's body towards the back entrance.

"Professor!" She called as she rushed towards the pair and lifted both her hands up, she chanted the spell in her head and focused her thoughts of the wand movement of the spell. She didn't think she'd need to her wand for a dance but clearly she was wrong.

She helped the Professor levitate Sebastian's body over the various heads of the alarmed students and into a secret passageway that was hidden behind one of the tapestry's that hung on the wall.

They were both quiet, lost in their worries and thoughts as they quickly walked down the narrow passageway and up it's steep staircase. They made their way to a dead end where a stone statue stood.

The professor mumbled something incoherently to said statue and it moved aside, the wall rumbling as it opened. The pair stepped through the opening and right into the hallway that led to the Headmaster's office.

"Professor this passageway led us to the opposite side of the castle! How are we supposed to save him if the medical wing is all the way across!" Orion began to cry, she hated showing emotion but she couldn't help it. She really liked Sebastian and now he was going to die because of her.

"We can't take him to Madam Pomfrey, I'm afraid she up to her toes dealing with students who were harmed during the attack. We're on our own." Dumbledore mumbled his password to the statue that covered his office door before they both levitated Sebastian into said office.

Orion hovered anxiously over the professor while he worked on removing the shards of glass from Sebastian's body and closing the wounds. The door slammed open and the four Marauders marched in. Dumbledore completely ignored their intrusion and kept working.

"Professor, I sent everyone into their chambers for the night and told them you'd address the situation tomorrow morning. Those inside of the medical wing are going to stay the night there but other than that everyone is alright." James said before his eyes lingered over an unconscious Sebastian.

"Everyone but him, it seems." Sirius mumbled and Orion shushed them.

The four boys gulped and walked over to the distraught girl to keep her company. Remus and Sirius sat together on the couch, holding hands. A gesture that led Orion to believe that Remus had finally fessed up, that and they were both sporting fresh hickeys. Even Peter had a hickey on his neck and James only had swollen lips. So all four boys had gotten some action it seemed. Orion hummed to herself before she felt her stomach churn.

She looked over at where Sebastian laid, on top of the Headmaster's desk and she felt tears well up in her eyes once again.

Orion paced, she hovered and bit her nails. It was a cycle. She'd hover, she'd walk and then she'd sit and bite her nails. This went on for thirty minutes until Sirius grabbed her and sat the anxious girl on his lap, his arms wrapped around her tightly to keep her in place. All four boys sent her looks of pity that numbed Orion until finally, the professor let out a loud sigh.

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