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after hyunjin and seungmin's little date, seungmin finally returned to his home which was a small one bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room apartment. he took quick shower in case if he slipped, he wouldn't have to worry about showering for the day and relaxed on the couch.

he grabbed the remote on the coffee table and turned on the tv. looking through channels, he came across a cartoon and played it. as soon as he heard the theme song for the cartoon, he slipped. fast, i know. he giggled as he saw one of the cartoon characters made a not-so-funny joke.

"minnie thwisty, minnie want miwky," he said. he pouted when he realized that no one was home to take care of him. then he thought of a tremendous idea. "minnie caww channie!" he said, looking for his phone, which he spotted was on the coffee table next to the remote.

grabbing his phone from the table, he clicked on chan's contact number.

ring, ring, ring. i'm sorry but the person you called is current- seungmin hung up.

he pouted. "does chan hyungie nwot wike minnie anymowe?" he said, feeling tears ready to fall from his eyes. "minnie wouwd caww dada but minnie hasn't asked dada to be minnie's cawegivew yet," seungmin said to himself, debating if he should call hyunjin or not.

"but minnie weawwy want miwky, minnie will caww dada," he said, pressing on hyunjin's contact number.

"hello minnie?"

SECRET ! | seungjinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora