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I was always alone. It wasn't by choice but I got used to it. Everything I knew was destroyed when they came to our village and sat everything on fire. I still hear the screams at night before I go to bed.

The Managi's always hated us but I never thought they would go as far as to kill us. My mother, my father, my brothers and sisters.... gone. All that I knew. Gone.

Luckily, I was able to get away but after that happened I fled the country. I cut my locs and went under a new identity. I kept my last name though. Most Americans know nothing about the African Vampire tribes and if they did, they thought it was just a folklore.

I came to the states in 1992, I was a few hundred years old. I had to teach myself the ways of this world. I'm a fast learner. It was now 2021.

I lived on a farm alone. I made my money by selling cattle, fruits, and whatever else I grew. I just turned 400 in Feburary. Life was better but I still missed what I once new. A family. A community. A place where people were just like me.

I'm not your typical vampire. I don't have to drink blood often. Most of my strength comes from the sunlight because of the melanin in my skin. I have to drink more blood during the Winter months.

Everything was normal for the most part until the day she came to the farm.

That day, everything changed. It opened me up to so much more.


*April 21, 2021*

Brielle got out of the car with Alex and looked around.

"Damn, you sure somebody lives here?" Alex said, putting her hands into her pockets.

Brielle sighed. "Yeah, my grandma said it's some guy named Caspian. He lives alone on this farm. This is the only place she gets her eggs. She said grocery store eggs make her break out."

She walked up the path as Alex followed her. The grass was nicely cut and the cows could be heard from a distance. The farm looked like your average southern farm.

It had the large red and white house, a wooden fence, and a random chicken just pacing around. 

Brielle carefully walked up the steps then knocked on the door.

"Anyone home?" She tried looking through the screen to see if anyone was inside.

"Looks like nobody's home! Let's go! This looks like somethin' in a horror film." Alex turned around and started to walk back down the steps until she heard the door opened.

Brielle eyes widen when she saw Caspian. Butterflies came together and had a meeting in her stomach. She didn't a expect a farmer to be this fine. Without thinking, she bit her bottom lip.

"You must be Princess. Mrs. Diamond's granddaughter?" He said, looking at her.

Brielle didn't say a word. She continued to gaze at him.

"Excuse me Princess," Caspian raised an eyebrow. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh for the love of God Brielle! Don't you hear the man talking to you?!" Alex shouted, smacking the back of the head.

Brielle shook her head. "Oh yeah, right. Yeah but please call me Brielle."

He smiled. "Well, okay Brielle. I have your grandmother's eggs inside. Wait here."

He turned around and went back in the house.

Brielle looked at Alex.

"Girl, did you see how fine he was! His face, his skin! Whew chileeeee!" She started fanning herself.

"First, I'm gay. Second, he's standing right behind you." Alex started laughing.

"You lyin." Brielle's jaw dropped.

She slowly turned around to see him with a crate of eggs in his hand, smirking.

"Oh..yeah.. ahaha.. heeeey." She grinned with embarrassment.

"Here you go. And tell Mrs. Diamond I said hello." He chuckled.

"Thank you. And I will." She nodded, taking the eggs.

He goes back in the house. Brielle paced back down the steps.

"I wanna come get my grandma's eggs more often." She laughed.

"I bet you do. Nasty ass. He looks a lot older than us but still looks young too. It's hard to explain." Alex pushed a stick of gum into her mouth.

"I don't care how old he is. He's fine as hell. He could be a model. He got those superman features." Brielle opened the car door and got in.

"Leave that man alone." Alex got in and put on her seat belt.

"Only if he tells me to!" Brielle giggled as she started the car.


Brielle didn't know I could still hear her. She was an interesting character; I will say that. She was also beautiful like the women from my village. Her eyes were captivating. She was petite with a loud voice. I mean loud in a good way. When she talked, people listened.

I was flattered that she found me attractive. I hope she comes to get Mrs. Diamond's eggs more often too. It's been hundreds of years since I had any attention from a woman. The last woman I was with... well, she got killed in the fire. Her name was Adonai. Man, she was beautiful. Her skin was the color of Onyx and her eyes were light brown. A natural 4C afro puff graced the top of her head. I known her every since I was a child.

She was my bestfriend then we became lovers. We talked about having children the night before it happened. Enough about that though, this was my life now. I have to keep moving forward because the more I think about it, the more I'll make myself depressed.

Hopefully soon I'll get to see Brielle more...


I know this first chapter is kind of boring but it gets better, I promise. I just had to lay down the foundation and what not!

Lemme know what y'all think so far!

Thank you for reading!


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