Chapter 1: The Salaryman

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[The Rhine Front 19XX]

“IMPERIAL DIVISION 207! ASSEMBLE!” I shouted at the top of my lungs to my battalion.

“IMPERIAL DIVISION 207 2ND BATTALION COMMANDER, CORPORAL WILLIAM REINHARDT REPORTING” he shouted in response to me “REPORTING! IMPERIAL DIVISION 207 ASSEMBLED!” he continued. I smile and say to him “Good work, Commander.” I then continued and said to them “Gentlemen, today we will once again enter hell!” and then I asked them, “Do any of you have the balls to go with me?”

“Commander, you do know our training was even worse than hell!*laughs*” my soldiers replied to me. 

“OHO?! Do you wanna go back to it?” I jokingly asked them “Anyways, today we’re tasked by the General Staff to be the vanguard of today’s assault. We’ll be assaulting the enemy positions and providing cover fire to the infantry.” I continued as I briefed them on today’s mission.

Now, you might be wondering what I’m doing here and what led me to being a soldier on the Rhine Front. Well, it all started like this… 


Originally, I was a Department Head in a company in The United Kingdom in the year 20XX. I was at the top of my game just like always and I was scolding an employee for his lack of productivity for the past few months and told him that he was fired. He’s begging me, kneeling, even groveling before me, telling me that he has a daughter in school and that he has bills to pay and other sh*t that for the life of me can’t give a f*ck, but I can’t do anything since it was an order from the higher-ups. I follow their orders, I look like a productive employee. I’m definitely on my way to a promotion. 

Another day at work over, as I was waiting for the train to arrive, the employee that I fired earlier in the day, went to my back and pushed me to the rails in front of the oncoming train. But suddenly time stopped and I asked myself “is this my life flashing before my eyes?”

When suddenly, a I heard a voice in my head that said “No, this is your judgement”

“What do you mean by judgement and who are you?” I asked the strange voice

“I am God” the strange voice answered

“Heh, I am a man of science, I don’t believe in this make believe that is your so-called God. We live in an age of science where man does not believe in cosmic beings anymore.” I said to this so-called ‘God’.

“Your denial of me is the proof that humans today lack faith” ‘God’ said to me.

“We’re in an age of scientific proof, what’s your proof that you’re this ‘God’ you say you are?” I asked.

“HMPH! How insolent.” The ‘God’ said to me in response.

“Hey ‘God’, let’s say I’ll die, where does my soul go then?” I asked him.

“Your soul returns to the circle of life, reincarnation” the ‘God’ answered to me.

The answer that this ‘God’ gave to me, although naive, had me interested. The concept of reincarnation has always been a key point of interest to me. Suddenly, I had an idea and asked this ‘God’, “If I’ll be reincarnated, then please do so.”

I heard the ‘God’ laugh and then he said “Very well! Since you obviously lack faith, I’ll reincarnate you to develop your faith. However, I’ll reincarnate you to a very turbulent time period and you’ll be reincarnated as a little girl. If you die there, your soul dies along with you.”

“What?! No! You can’t do that! You piece of sh*t God you can’t do this to me!”

Then, time resumes and I die.

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