Explosive Shift Pt 2

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After the explosion happened, Jordan watched the house burn as it was engulfed in flames. Jay's arms holding her tight. She was frozen. No. Her father was in there. Maybe a couple of the others as well. A moment later she started to fight to get out of Jay's hold.

"Let me go Jay! Get off me! Dad! Daddy! No! Get off me!" Jordan struggled as tears fell from her eyes.

The young detective was trying to pull her away but was having a hard time as she fought his hold. "Jordan stop. I need you to relax"

"Get off me!"

The teen didn't want to but she had to get to her father, she stomped hard on his foot and started ramming her elbow into his midsection. Jay's grip was starting to loosen but it wasn't enough to release her.

"Sorry Jay" She muttered. As hard as she could she bit down on his arm.

He screamed and his arms dropped letting her go, Jordan bolted for the house. Jay saw her. "Dammit Jordan. Casey! Severide! Jordan ran inside!"

"Son of a bitch" Kelly cursed.

He quickly put his gear and ran after her, Jordan covered her nose as she was in the burning house.

"Dad! Daddy! DAD!"

Kelly had run in the house and quickly found the teen, the teen was inhaling too much smoke and was getting dizzy. She had kept trying to keep her nose covered but failed as the deep black smoke blinded her. Kelly lost her for a moment but had found her and grabbed her. She couldn't fight as he rushed her outside.

"Brett! Gabby! She needs oxygen!" Kelly called frantically.

He rushed her over and laid her on the gunnery, they put an oxygen mask on her. Antonio went over. "I'll stay with her. Kelly, can you and the others go find Hank, Kevin, and Olinsky?"

"Yeah" Kelly gave a nod.

The squad had gone to search for the three missing officers, the truck worked on putting the fire out. After getting some oxygen the teen started to come to and coughed harshly. She was trying to fight getting the mask off.

"Jo, Jo stop sweetheart you need this to breathe" Gabby told her.

"Dad...Daddy...no" Was all she could cry.

None of the adults knew what to say, they didn't know if Hank was dead or alive. Antonio looked at her.

"Jo, what were you thinking? You could have been killed" He said.

"I had to find my dad. I had to. He's all I've got" She sniffed back tears.

"Try and rest sweetie, they'll find your dad and the others" Brett says softly.

They put her in the ambulance and Antonio sat with her holding her hand. He looked hoping Kelly and the others found Hank and the others.

In the backyard, Hank, Kevin and Alvin, were laying in the grass all knocked out. Hank slowly came around first, he felt as if he was hit by something hard. A very loud buzzing in his ear, he looked to see Kevin and Alvin being helped up by the squad guys, Kelly had found Hank.

"Hank. Hank it's Kelly can you hear me" Kelly said.

"I...I hear you" The older Sergeant replied.

"Let's get you checked out"

Kelly helped the older man to the front, Cruz had Alvin, Capp had Kevin. When they got to the front Alvin and Kevin were taken to ambulances, Hank just shrugged it off as if he was fine.

"Hank you were near the explosion, I really think you need to be checked out. You could have a concussion, you could have some other kind of injury"

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