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Gv200(Gavin) and niles(nines) were going to there first case a Android killed a man and they were going to where it was last saw but they had to go alone which was probably not the best idea but captain stern didn't care .

Gv200: shouldn't we wait for back up this is dangerous

Niles: I can handle my self so be quiet stupid Android

Gv200 : *led goes red * .....

They walked into the building

Gv200 scans the surroundings and sees a trail of blue blood

Gv200: it's hurt there's a trail of blue blood 

*loud noise*

Gv200: it's upstairs

Niles:*pulls out his gun * stay behind me

Gv200:... I don't re-

Niles : be quiet

*Gv200 sighs and follows him *

They walk up the steps and Niles opens the door*

The deviant turns and points a gun at them*

Then Gavin grabs Niles gun and pushes him out of the way*

*multiple gun shots*

It takes Niles a minute but he gets up then he sees*

The Android was laying on the floor blue blood everywhere  then he saw gv200 *

Niles ran to gv200 and grabs him*

Niles: hey tin can you ok-  *he sees the condition gv200 was in  gv200 had multiple gun shot wounds his led was flashing red he was shutting down* tin can come on I will get you to a cyber life store

Gv200:  s-shuting d-down

Niles: no your not *he picks him up*

Gv200: s-......... *shuts down*

Niles: hey... Hey tin can , Gavin ..... Why? Did you push me out of the way  * Niles hugs gv200 tightly* WHY?!  *Niles some reason felt sad for..... A Android? *   

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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