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Hello, my wonderful readers!

Welcome to my second story (that I'm actually gonna finish). I'm guessing you came here from Scars most likely, but if you didn't, go read Scars too! It'll make me happy!

I asked people if they wanted an Unbrella Academy fanfiction, or a Carmen Sandeigo one. Carmen won, but I probably didn't specify which version I was basing this fic off of.

While reaserching characters, cause my tiny brain can't remember them all, I came across a LIVE ACTION CARMEN SANDIEGO. I didn't even know that EXISTED, so if you guys were hoping I was using that version, I'm really sorry.

I'm basing this fanfic off of the animated Netflix show, so you can feel disappointed if you want. Unless you've also never heard of the live action, then we're both in the same boat! Please no flames telling me that this isn't canon to the original storyline, because I'm using the Netflix show.

I hope you enjoy!

-Blossom ;)

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