Some hours and beers later I’m really drunk. I can’t even get up without falling down and just then my phone rings. I’m not able to look correctly so I answer it without knowing the caller ID. “Hey Marc! How are you doing? I hope I don’t intrude on your date with Anna. Marc I really have to say she looked smoking in this jersey and this jeans today.”  “Hey, Sergi. I’m good and no you are not intruding, I’m home already.”, I slur. “Marc are you drunk?” “Noooooo!” “I think you are. Marc, are you stupid, why are you drinking so much you know it isn’t good for you and you need to be healthy now that we are in the middle of the season. Tell me what happened that you are so upset?” “Nothing just shut up. It helps me to forget okay? So just do whatever you want and I will do what I want, okay.” With that I finish the call, put the phone on my glass table and take another sip of my beer. This is the last thing I remember.

I open my eyes, I’m laying on the living room floor. Why did I even wake up, there is no sun shining and it is very quiet, so no reason why I shouldn’t sleep some more. Just then I hear loud knocks on my front door. I don’t even know who this possibly could be. “Marc, open the door. I know you are in there and if you don’t open it in the next minute I will crash it down. I don’t care what you think of it just open it.” I get up slowly and stumble my way to the door. I think I’m still not completely sober, but who cares. I don’t have anyone who would care if something happens to me. I open the door and in front of me I can see Sergi. “What are you doing here?” “Don’t play oblivious, you know very clearly why I’m here. Have you lost your mind why are you drinking? You never drink anything, why now?” I just shake my head and want to close the door again but before I can do that Sergi puts his foot between it. “No Marc. I won’t let you alone now. You sure aren’t in a good condition right now and I as a good friend should care for you and help you to get better. And if anything happens to you coach will blame me for it, so no I can’t let you be on your own right now.”

I shake my head and make my way to the kitchen to get another beer, but before I can open it Sergi takes it out of my hand. “No Marc you won’t drink anymore you have had enough. What’s wrong with you? Seriously, you are never like that actually you are always the responsible one. Come sit down with me and tell me everything that makes you upset like this.” I grabs me on my shoulder and shoves me to the couch, there I slouch down and look at my hands. “Sergi, just leave it. It is nothing wrong. I’m happy and now you can leave me alone.” “No Marc, you are clearly upset and I want to know why, so I can help you through this.” I sigh one last time. I have to tell him otherwise he won’t leave me alone and this is even more terrible than telling him. “Okay, but you have to promise that you won’t tell anyone, because it is just ridiculous and everyone would laugh at me.” My friend just nods and I continue to tell him the story. “Okay, so you know that I like this girl Anna.” “She is this girl you brought with you to training, isn’t she.” “Yes, so I kind of asked her out for dinner today. She also watched the game today, because she is a big fan of FC Barcelona, and before you ask no she doesn’t only like me for my fame. We got friends without her knowing who I am. So we went to this cute restaurant and we had really much fun but at the end I couldn’t hold it anymore and kind of blurted out that I liked her more than friends.” “And why is this bad. I mean Marc that is the best things who could have done, or was her reaction so bad. What did she say?” I look back down to my hands in my lap and sigh once more. “That’s the problem she didn’t really say something after I have dropped the bomb. Anna kind of sat there and got really pale and just looked shocked.” Now Sergi doesn’t look that happy anymore. “And what did you do next?” “She wanted to say something but before she could I just said that I didn’t mean it and that she should just forget it.”

Sergi slaps my head hard. “Ouch, what was that for?” “Marc, you idiot! You can’t just confess your feelings to the girl you like and then say that you didn’t mean it. She will probably think that you wanted to play with her, just to get to her body. Oh god man, you just ruined everything. How can you be so stupid? Man haven’t you learned anything from me.” I just chuckle, but then Anna comes to my mind again. “First what should I learn from you, how to get a different girl into my bed every night. But I don’t want that I just want her. It is the first time I really have feelings for a girl. She is just perfect in and out.” Now Sergi is the one laughing. “Man, since when did you get so cheesy? You sound like this stupid guy from Twilight and this isn’t cool at all. But seriously you really like her, don’t you.” “Yes, and I don’t want to lose her. She is such a perfect girl and losing her would be the stupidest thing I have ever done.” He puts his arm around my shoulder and rubs my shoulder. “Don’t worry everything will be fine again, but you really have to apologise to her. You can’t just do that to a girl you like. Honestly, you sounded like a douche and a player. I know that you aren’t like that but Anna doesn’t know you as long as I do and maybe she now thinks that this is your real personality.” Now, this doesn’t help one little bit. This talk with Sergi just brings me down even more. “Ugh, really Sergi? I thought you wanted to help me and now you just tell me that I acted like a total douche. Honestly, this doesn’t help me one little bit, actually it just makes everything worse.”

He squeezes my shoulder. “I know Marc it is hard to hear it, but you have to know what you have done wrong so that you can apologize and don’t do it ever again. I just want to help you to get together with her. I just can see it in your eyes that you really care for her every time you or someone else is talking about Anna, they just glisten and you look genuinely happy. I have never seen you like this before and I just want you to be happy.” I smile and pull him in a bro hug. “Thanks Sergi. You are always there when I need you. I will try to call her tomorrow. I just hope she will answer it, so I can apologize and maybe tell her about my real feelings for her.” “That’s a good idea, but now you really should go to sleep, we have training tomorrow morning and you will have a real heavy hangover anyway, so just try to lighten it a bit.” He gets up, says goodbye and leaves my house. I also go upstairs, take a long shower and go to bed. Sergi is right, I have to be fit tomorrow morning and after the training I will try to apologize to Anna. I just hope she will forgive me and that everything will be fine again.

So what do you think of Marc? Do you think Anna will forgive him that easy?

I would like to hear your opinion on this chapter but also the rest of the story so far. Please comment and vote. Thanks :)

Football Love (Marc Bartra/ Neymar Jr FanFic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя