"Let's eat in my room. It's nice and warm there." Korra said and smiled at Asami who just smiled back.

"If you don't mind…"

"Of course not! Oh and, pour us a glass of wine. I still have a bottle of red on my desk. And some glasses."

"Don't you think you had enough to drink…?" Asami asked amused, one perfect eyebrow raised.

"There's no such thing as drinking too much. Unless you throw up. Then it's time to quit."

"That's mostly when you're already to late." The Heiress said and chuckled, slowly she walked out of the kitchen and headed to Korra's room. The moment she opened the door, the warmth from inside the room greeted her and a pleasurable shiver rolled over her spine. She walked inside and saw the bottle of wine on Korra's desk. She's such a sweetie… and single… Asami bit her lower lip when the reality of her thoughts sank in. She's single… and you know she likes girls… She swallowed hard when her mind suddenly created images of her and Korra. Kissing. Cuddling. In bed. Doing other things. Her hands clenched around the wine bottle when she felt a throb between her legs. Oh Raava… I need to stop thinking about that… she thought and licked her lips. Her hands moved to remove the cork from the bottle but instead, Asami let out a small cry. She had totally forgotten about her shoulder.

She put the bottle back on the desk and rubbed her shoulder. She let out an angry sigh, it didn't help and she let out a soft whimper when she tried to move her right arm. Damnit… I should have been more careful. She thought and turned around when she heard the door open and close behind her. She smiled warmly at her friend who stood a few feet away from her. Two steaming bowls of noodles in hand. A cocky and playful grin on her face.

"You okay?" Korra asked and put the bowls on her desk for a moment and pulled out two sets of chop sticks from the waist band of her pants.

Asami nodded. "Yeah… I think I just pulled a muscle today. I forgot when I tried to open the bottle."

Korra gestured towards her bed. "Sit. We eat first and then I can massage your shoulder. If you'd like."

"I… well… if it's not to much trouble?" the heiress asked while she moved to the bed. Her hands moved over the pelt that decorated the piece of furniture. "So soft…."

Korra chuckled and once Asami had settled comfortably, she handed her friend the bowl of noodles and chopsticks. "I only have one glass here, so I hope you don't mind sharing some wine with me?" She asked and opened the bottle that Asami had to put back a few minutes prior. Pouring some of the bloodred liquid into the single wine glass she had.

"I don't mind. I'm already happy and grateful that you made me something to eat." she said, the bowl now resting on her lap as she took the wine glass from Korra's hand. Her lips settled on the glass's edge and she took a gentle sip. "Oh… wow… this is good stuff."

The Southerner smirked and wiggled her eyebrows playfully. "Yeah, I never liked the cheaper stuff. I only drink this when the company is as good as the wine." She said and moved under the covers from the other side.

Asami's pale cheeks showed a faint pink colour and she nearly choked on the small sip she took. She handed the glass back to Korra who took a sip before she put it on the small nightstand on her side of the bed and dug into her bowl of food like she hadn't eaten in days.

Korrasami Tale Where stories live. Discover now