October - Horror

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With his carton straw between his teeth, Naruto's smile, even as shy as it's now, is to die for. No matter what the time of the day, he keeps shining.

Since Hinata is doing nothing with her fingers, they start bumping into each other. However, it doesn't ease her.

"G-Gooda-afternoon Na-Naruto-kun..."

He's so close, she can smell his spicy perfume. It reminds her of the other day in her classroom. If she leans towards him, the sleeve of their shirts could touch each other. Thinking about that brings a small smile to her lips and a deeper blush on her cheeks.

"H-How're doing since...? Well, you ok?" he asks.

The edges of her lips turn down. Hinata's now looking to the side. "I-I haven't completely recovered. It's taxing... And I-I'm still having strange dreams, but my f-father-"

"I understand. What you experienced... It's tough."

"A-A little bit..."

A sympathetic smile draws itself on his lips, stretching his whiskered cheeks. He's really talking to her right now. Is she dreaming? No, it's better than a dream.

"I'm sure you're gonna get back on your feet. You seem to be strong, Hinata."

This encouragement has the effect of fireworks. Her name with his voice is so right that she wants him to repeat it again and again. She trembles so much because of that intense feeling of joy that the drinks in her arms are ready to fall. Unfortunately, she's not fast enough to catch them. 

Naruto doesn't even offer her his help. He acts. A tanned hand - the one that's not wounded - holds her wrists to help her carry her load. He laughs as he prevents the can from meeting the ground with his other hand.

Hinata quivers with pleasure at the contact of his fingers.

And... is he blushing? He definitely felt their connection.

They're closer than earlier.

Her complexion turns crimson.

She feels herself fall for him all over again. Her tongue knots, her mouth dries. She feels like her heart is beating on the back of her throat. 

But she's ready. She'll tell him. Even if it's a simple 'thank you'

Thank you for believing in me.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for that night.

Thank you for being born.

She wants him to know, no matter what her father's going to say after.

Unfortunately, sounds of chatters are coming from the opposite direction of the vending machines. Naruto turns his head, not understanding the sudden agitation. Hinata takes advantage of the opportunity to realise that they're really close. She can see the small stain of dark red on the collar of his shirt, the strong angle of his clenched jaw.

Reluctantly, she also turns her head to see what suddenly made him tense.

Toneri is facing them. His silver hair is in every direction. A big bump deforms his nose usually straight. His left eye is swollen and a yellowish colour stains his smooth skin. It seems like his muscles are sore because he doesn't hold himself very upright as he normally does. 

He maybe wants to buy himself a drink. However, he's surrounded by students, curious to know the reason why his face is like this.

No emotions seize Hinata when she meets Toneri's gaze. He's pitiful. But hesitation crosses his pale blue eyes. He frowns, giving Naruto a glare. The blonde is also threatening him with his iris, fists clenching until his fingers turn white, his veins on his arm poping out.

Still Falling for You [NH year 2020]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin