☆ What is Shifting ☆

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AN: Please comment your questions if you are unsure or would like to know also please feel free to share tips. Please vote if you find this helpful so it can get to other readers. I would like to say that I have not shifted yet but I have researched a lot about it and gotten so close but decided to write this to help others. I will try and keep you guys posted on everything that happens and answer questions even though I am not an expert :) Also you do not need to read this like a book, just skip to the chapters that you want to learn about most.

You can use this as a guide Shifting is training/ moving your mind to another reality. 

It is real and NOT lucid dreaming. 

It is a complicated process but anyone can do it, you just need to know how.

It can take some a few days while others months, it's different for everyone. 

You can shift to anywhere an example of this is Hogwarts.

 It is safe and there are no limits, all you need is a script, which I will explain about in another chapter.  

☆ Shifting Guide/Diary ☆Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora