One chance!

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A figure stood staring upward in the halls of history, a prince with golden hair and a red cape. It was hours ago now that the horrible outcome of the ceremony had been revealed.

Thor had been exhausted. He hadn't slept two nights in a row. Sif had managed to get him to bed, yet Thor hadn't believed he would be able to sleep. As it turned out though, exhaustion had overwhelmed him. Once he had woken, he walked with zombie-like steps back to these halls. Layers of dust and fallen brick were scattered around his feet. Guards had been placed outside and said that Thor was not allowed to enter. The look Thor had given them had to be something else, because they had yielded to the young prince.

Now he stood wide eyed, looking up at the figures. The woman with the horned helmet. All the people kneeling, those who refused losing their heads. The realms in ruins. Rivers of blood. All of this displayed with grandeur, as if it was something to be proud of.

Suddenly, Thor remembered. All his own boasting and yelling that he wished to go to war, to slay beasts and prove his worth came rushing back to him. He felt sick, sick to his stomach. He wanted to vomit. Thor had said it so easily, thinking only of the glory, not of this. And it had been here, right here all this time.

Hidden. Hidden beneath the beautiful, serene pictures that Loki had torn down.

A person stepped in behind him. Thor didn't even need to turn to know whom. The footfalls were heavy and slow, echoed by the clunk of a spear being used as a cane.

"You did this," Thor said, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. "This... is the true history of Asgard. You did this!" he roared, turning to Odin.

Odin was quiet. He said nothing, but his face looked so tired.

"What chance did Loki have when this, this is what he was fighting against!" Thor cried. "You gave his curse what it needed. This is all your doing!"

Again, Odin didn't reply. He just stood there.

"And her!" Thor pointed up. "She is my sister... I have a sister! She was meant to be the next ruler. Not me. She is the rightful ruler of Asgard. All of this... This was you... This was all you."

"I wanted the future to be different," Odin breathed.

"So you thought to cover up the past?" Thor turned to him. "Pretend as if it never happened? Hide all that does not fit into the image you are trying to paint? Are you even surprised Loki has been driven insane? This would drive anyone insane."

Odin took a step forward.

"Do not come any nearer!" Thor demanded. "I don't know you... I do not even know who you are. You cannot simply... You can't just hide this!" He gestured up. "And... try to replace her... That is what I am, isn't it? Just a replacement."

"No, Thor," Odin tried.

"Stop," Thor said. "Whatever you want to say, I don't wish to hear it. Not now. And this..." He pointed up. "Know that if you intend to cover it up again, you might as well not bother. I've seen it already, and this time, we won't just forget."

With that, he walked straight past Odin and outside, outside where he began to run. Thor was not sure where he was going until suddenly, he found himself by the door to Loki's chambers, though he knew Loki wasn't in there. He was in a cell in the dungeons. How long was Loki going to stay there?

It wasn't right. Yes, Loki had asked for this, but he hadn't done anything... not yet.

"Thor," a soft female voice spoke, a voice belonging to his mother.

"You want me to calm down as well?" Thor hissed.

"No, you are well within your rights to be furious," Frigga informed him, and Thor turned to her, his eyes wet.

"What Father has done... It's unforgivable," Thor said.

Frigga looked down for a moment before meeting his eyes again. "It is," she agreed. "But it is not your burden to bear. His actions are his own, not yours."

"Loki..." Thor swallowed, looking to the familiar door.

"Is not gone," Frigga stated, and Thor looked at her. "Thor, listen to me." She reached forward, grabbing his shoulders. "The ceremony is not finished. Loki has yet to win or lose. The battle is ongoing."

Thor's eyes widened. "What?"

"His chances are slim, but they do exist," Frigga stated. "However, if he is to win, he needs you. Loki has no trust in Odin. Why would he? Odin has given him no reason to trust him. Loki also doubts me, for which I cannot blame him. I kept many horrible secrets from him. But you... you are the only one who has yet to break his trust. He has no reason to distrust you and many reasons to believe you. That is why... That's why you are the only one who can reach him now."

Thor's eyes were wide as he gasped for breath.

"It is not going to be easy," Frigga informed him. "Loki will look for reasons not to trust you. He will try to prove his point, that no one can be trusted. Even if it means tricking you. It is important that you bear in mind, the Loki you remember is indeed the true Loki, but so is the person in front of you. He is also the real Loki. They are both parts of Loki. If you deny that, you will prove his point that your former behavior was false."

Thor swallowed.

"Breaking the chains of fate does not mean Loki won't ever do evil," Frigga breathed. "However, it means the choice to do so is his own. It is about giving him that choice of how to live his life."

Thor nodded. "I... understand," he stated. "Thank you, Mother. I won't let him down."

"I know, dear heart," Frigga smiled softly. "This may be harder than you think though."

"Whatever I am to go through, it won't be nearly as hard as what Loki has gone through already," Thor stated.

Frigga smiled sadly but didn't seem to disagree.

Thor was determined. This was not over. Whatever it took, he would reach Loki. Nothing was going to stop him.

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