Chains of the past

Start from the beginning

"Hm, a person like me, you say?" Loki asked. Then he shook his head. "Whatever would I want with a block of ice like this?"

"Do what Odin could not," Yord offered. "Rebuild it. Bring peace. Be their savior. Odin only ever brought death and destruction. Then, when he grew tired of it, he hid himself behind grand walls. You can do more. He won't be pleased though, that you outmatched him and his own blood. He always feared it."

Loki didn't reply. There was truth in her words that could not be denied.

"Laufey must go if Jotunheim is to flourish once more," Yord said. "You knew this already. You've known it for a long time."

"Removing him would be considered breaking the peace," Loki countered.

"What other option is there?" Yord asked. "Besides, you are not just a prince of Asgard but also a prince of Jotunheim. Your claim to their throne is just."

Loki was quiet, taking in the icy landscape in front of him.

Thor's eyes widened. The chain around Loki's wrist was back, and it looked stronger than before. "Loki!" he gasped. "Loki, this is not what you want. Break free! Loki!"

Loki shook his head. It was odd. It seemed like the wind was echoing a voice... but it was so distant.

"Asgard will only ever accept you as long as you behave and act the way they want you to," Yord stated. "Odin only loves you for as long as you serve his purpose. Thor thrives on being your hero. He doesn't want you to rise on your own. He needs his little brother. As for the young warriors, they only accept you because Thor demands it. Frigga..."

At that, Loki turned to her with wide eyes.

"She has never even gazed upon your true face," Yord breathed, holding Loki's face, and he already knew he was blue now. "She tried to change you... to become like her... like Odin, raised you to be like him. Loki, I only want you to be yourself. I love you."

Loki swallowed, a tear running down his blue, cold chin.

"Oh, my child... my beautiful, wonderful child." Yord slipped her fingers through his hair. "I am so sorry you had to endure so much sadness. Forgive me. Forgive me for leaving you. At least I could ensure that you would live... and be able to claim what is rightfully yours."

Loki shook his head as he stepped backwards, away from Yord's hands.

"Darling," Yord pleaded.

"No... Go away." Loki's voice broke. "This is not what I... what I..."

"But you do." Yord smiled. "You do want it. Why deny that? You are just doing what Odin, Frigga and Thor want once again, but what do you want?" she asked. "You want this. And you can have it! You can become their hero, and they will kneel to you."

Loki clinched his teeth, trying to calm his burning desire. She was right. He wanted it. And why shouldn't he? It was his right. Why should he always have to dance to Odin's tune? He had done it for all his life, and it had never been enough.

Hela had done it, and what had happened to her? Cast away and forgotten. Spend an entire lifetime pleasing the man and then what happens when he changes plans? Loki took a steadying breath, trying to get his feelings under control, but he could not deny it. What Yord said was true. It was all true!

Loki gasped as he turned and ran away, ran away from the woman. He was in the palace now, running as fast as he could. Running.

"There he is!" The Einherjar shouted. "Jotunn scum!"

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