Chapter 23 - The truth

Start from the beginning

Come online

Come online

They spammed the same message over and over again.

Come online

Come online


Finally you're online

We're sorry for all the trouble we have caused

Can we talk? Like be friends?

Bakubro, that wasn't very manly but I want to forgive you. Can we be mates again?

Fine extras, I guess

Thanks man

Yeah thanks


Thank you

{Mostly everyone said that}

I turned my phone off and lay on my bed.

I heard drips and taps from outside.

I walked over to the balcony door and saw all the water dripping down.

The cold sensation I felt made me stand there for a bit.

I walked out of the two glass doors and stood there.

Cold and drenched I stood there. Silent. Listening to the rain hitting the different parts of my body.

I must have stood here for atleast 30 minutes now. Half the time I forgot where I even was. I shut my eyes and continued to listen to the rain.

{The next day}

I woke up to the dreadful sound of my alarm clock. It read 06:30

I picked up my phone which was beside me and looked at the class group.

Hey guys I have a cute photo. Bakugo you will like this ;D ~Mina

I doubt it ~you

*Picture of Deku and Bakugo sleeping together* ~Mina

{Btw the picture at the start of the chapter Is the picture so you can check it out if you want. I would post the picture here but I can't cuz I'm not on mobile. Sorry}

Awh ~Momo

{2 Minutes of everyone freaking out and loving the picture. Well except a few individuals :^}


See you all in class lmao ~Mina

TELL ME! ~you

I put my phone down and got up to get dressed, did my teeth etc.

I put music on and popped my earphones in and walked to school.

{At class}

I opened the classroom door and stepped in.

Everyone looked at me with a smirk. It was because of that picture I'm sure of it.

"So how is Kacchan?"

I immediately stopped.

"Who...?" I said turning around with a deathly stare.

Pikachu was the one who had said it.

"N-Nothing. Hehe" He said, nervously.

I went to sit down and saw the empty desk behind me once again.

"Right class settle down" Aizawa said coming into the room "Today you'll be doing worksheets again"

The whole class whined and grunted.

"You can whine all you want. Todoroki come hand the sheets out" He said holding the sheets out for Icy Hot to get them.

Icy Hot went round the whole class leaving me last. When he finally came around to give me one he slammed it down on my desk.

"The hell?" I said wondering why he had done that.

He walked away like he had done nothing, and sat back down in his seat. Ignoring him, I got out a pen.

"Something wrong, Bakugo?" Aizawa asked looking at me.

"No" I said turning to the worksheet.

"Keep doing your worksheet. I'll be back soon. Iida just tell me if something happens" Aizawa said leaving the room.

"Why him?"

"Because I said so" He said leaving the room.

Voices filled the room and it sounded like a fucking Zoo.

I don't know how I made that rhyme XD

Wonder what Deku is dealing with right now?

Nevermind I don't want to think about that.

I put my head on the desk.

"Hey bakubro" I'm assuming Shitty Hair said.

"What?" I said annoyed.

"Never knew you were gay~~~~~~~" He said teasing me.

"Couldn't care less" I exclaimed.

"Oh come on. You have to be atleast somewhat annoyed" He said.

"Tch" I turned my head and looked at the wall.

I could fall asleep right now...

Maybe I might just...

C...lose my eyes...

"Right I'm back!" Aizawa said coming through the classroom door.

"Ugh" I grunted putting my head up.

"What was that for?" He said walking to the teachers desk.

"Dunno" I said yawning.

"You all better had finished that sheet" Aizawa exclaimed turning to look at everyone who weren't in their seats.

They rushed back and pretended to forget that had just happened.

{When the bell rings}

I got up and picked my bag up, slipping it over my shoulders. I handed my worksheet in and made my way out of the classroom.

"Hey Bakugo!" I heard someone shout my name.

I turned around and saw Raccoon Eyes, Shitty hair, Pikachu and Tape arms.

"You wanna eat lunch together?" Raccoon Eyes asked.

"Kay" I replied.

"Yay!" Raccoon Eyes yelled grabbing Pikachu's and Sero's arms and pulling them infront of me.

Shitty Hair gave me a weird look and walked passed me.

Guess I'll just walk with them then.

We made it to the rooftop and sat on a bench. Well I sat on the floor against the fence.

They all got their lunches out and started to eat them. Except... Shitty Hair.


Thanks so sosososososooso much for 2k reads.

Word Count: 1315

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