the return of the unknown actor

Start from the beginning

Zack: yep well girls this is my sister Luna Yamato when I go out she will care of you along with Uiharu

Rinka then just smirked and started to ask some questions to Zack

Rinka: so this is your sister Zack wait why does she have a different last name

Zack: because her family took me in speaking of which I heard that a level 4 esper in Tokiwadai was an illusion user is that true Luna

Luna: yea it's true but lately I heard she took a leave of absence and that she has been seen in places where no one else goes but why do you ask do you know her

Zack: something like that Luna anyways can you call Amanda and tell her I need her help

Luna was surprised cause Zack never asks for help when it came to make things after all he made his first weapon when he was 9 years old he was always smart and clever

Luna: yea I'll let her know at the workplace right?

Zack: yea I'm gonna need her help

Yea the girl Amanda not much is known about her except she is the same age as Luna. She used to live in a town where there was Only one school and that place was also cursed due to magic

It was said that new age was responsible for it after the incident she was found by Zack who offered her a new home in exchange that she help him from time to time

Some people theorized that she is the daughter of the Kihara family the real truth is that only Zack knows who she really is recently she has gotten a part time job as a maid for a cafe and on occasions she also works in leblanc

Later Zack is seen in a lab of some sort he is looking at some kind of metal when the doors opened to the lab he looked back and saw a girl a little shorter than Luna with green hair wearing a ponytail

Zack: thanks for coming on short notice Amanda Sonozaki

Zack: thanks for coming on short notice Amanda Sonozaki

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(Amanda Sonozaki)

Amanda: Its fine you know I want to repay the favor you did for me

Zack: Its fine I how many times have I told you I did it cause I wanted to help people well anyways how has everything been

Amanda: what is so important that you need my help... metal are you thinking of making more weapons

Zack: Yep perfect weapon that can absorb darkness

Amanda: is that why there are two girls right behind us

Zack then stops all movement and turns slowly like a statue upon looking down after turning around he sees his two daughters wearing lab coats

Zack: oh you've got to be kidding me Anna Zetsubou and Rinaka Yoshikage What are you doing here I thought I told you to stay with Luna

a certain unknown actorWhere stories live. Discover now