the girl

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"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is, insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing expecting shit to change that is crazy, but the first time someone told me that I don't know I thought they were bullshiting me so boom I shot him but the thing is Ha ha ha he was right" Vaas far cry 3

Zack pov

Zack: the power to manipulate ones time the drawback is you lose the light you see eventually you will go blind, that's why you wear contact lenses and to manipulate someone else's time you have to concentrate really hard and because you are always extremely nervous you don't even think about it did I get your power right Anna.

Anna: wow your amazing papa you got it completely right you even noticed what my drawback is

At the time I was extremely shocked to why she called me papa I originally thought that she must have traveled back to this point, that was my original thought but it was far off from the truth

Zack: so do you want to do anything

Anna: well I want to experience the city with you papa

Zack: ok let's go then 

we walked around the city and stopped at a park 

Zack: hey Anna 

Anna: yea papa 

Zack: how ... did you know my father

Anna: oh you mean JiJi when I first activated my power everyone was scared of me I was kicked out of my village after my parents died and then JiJi found me he told me about a place where my biggest fantasy can come true

Zack: and what is that fantasy

Anna: to have a second chance in life

When she said that I saw a faint flicker of despair I didn't think about it too much at the time and I will make sure she has a family to return to this time

Zack: how long ago was this

Anna: before I was forced out, I then traveled back and left

After she said that we saw a guy fall and a nun bite him

Zack: Touma Kamijou what are you doing here and who is the nun

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Zack: Touma Kamijou what are you doing here and who is the nun

Touma: Zack who is the girl is she a relative of your family and the girl biting me is Index, say hi Index this is a friend of mine

The girl named index then stopped biting Touma and looked at me she then held her hand at me and I shook it I felt extreme magic coming from her

Index: hi I'm Index Librorum Prohibitorum but that's a handful to say so just call me Index

Zack: and I'm Zack Yoshikage pleased to meet you

Index: you mean the son of Mikoto Yoshikage

When she said that Touma looked at her like she knew something he didn't I was surprised she knew that but I just answered

Zack: yes the very same

Anna: do you know him papa

When she said that it felt like time has stopped no one moved it looked like Touma was shocked he got out of it and put his hand on my shoulder I knew he wanted to talk to me privately

Zack: Anna talk to her she is a good friend 

Anna: ok papa i'll be friends with her 

we then went to a area where we wont get disturbed 

Zack: so you wanted to talk 

Touma: yea what's up with the girl is the card important here

Zack: No she knew my father she has magic seems like its time manipulation but only for herself also what's up with the nun don't tell me she's the reason why you lost your memory

Touma was really shocked when i asked him that so i guess my guess was right 

Touma: how did you know 

Zack: i just guessed looks like you risked your life for someone else you know someday that might cost you 

Touma: says the vigilante Joker , anyways what are you going to do I have a feeling what you will say but i'll ask anyways 

Zack: i'll be the father she desires i still need to find someone who will be her mother 

Touma: how about someone you can fully trust and that is smart as well as very kind 

I know who he's talking about my crush kazari Uriharu he then left with Index me and Anna then continued walking around the city i then decided to look at the back of my father's note 

Garon: Anna is not the only girl i want you to look after there is another by the name of Rinka she is somewhat of a clone of Anna they have a true sister bond and they have a collective consciousness they can reach each others thoughts and communicate with each other telepathically if she is not there then something must have happened please help them like i said before this is my last wish 

i then stopped and asked 

Zack: Hey Anna can you get in contact with Rinka 

but she just shook her head  

Anna: I can't get in contact with her someone might be controlling her mind 

I then opened my phone and said 

Zack: hey man it's me about that favor you talked about let's redeem it now

to be continued 

this is the opening 

Finally done with chapter 2 the next chapter is when the real stuff goes on

stay tuned to it

a certain unknown actorWhere stories live. Discover now