Part 1 of US

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I changed his face claim

I changed his face claim

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Dior POV

Today was me and sincere date which I never told him I was coming even though I am but I'll let him sweat a lil Ii was now pulling up to the shop I needed to check in here and there being that I run illegal money through here

Everywhere I went I seen faces of people being scared just by my presence or whispers when I left or rumors about me I even heard she gonna die in the next week cause I'm a woman funny right don't worry I killed her I don't tolerate disrespect by anyone

I walked in the shop I seen some judging looks and non judgmental faces my workers respected me despite my reputation I seen fae , fae was the manger for when I'm not here she basically run this place she was 21 fresh out of college she was really smart and good with hair

I met fae at my restaurant when she was 17 when I seen her eating just bread and water by that meal I figured she needed help so I put her and school and bought her a condo and a Honda and from there she made me proud

"Hey girls" I said and waved everyone sad hey expect one person

" who do you think u are walking in here like you don't kill people for a living" the random bitch said I heard gasp and seen some nodding there head

" let's make some shit clear I run this this fucking shop the seat yo ass in I bought that if gotta problem with what I do YOU CAN GET THE FUCK OUT that goes for anyone"I said

" and that's on Period " Sasha which was on of my workers I busted out laughing and so did everyone else the lady just sat there and kept quiet

"Fae meet me in the back when you done I sat in my office and looked over the appointments so I can get zaniyah one when we not booked I booked her one with fae

I heard the door open meaning it was fae " hey boss or should say The don" she said while having a big ass smirk on her face

I heard the door open meaning it was fae " hey boss or should say The don" she said while having a big ass smirk on her face

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"You funny" I said while pulling out my draw to get some papers out

" sometimes I wondered how u had that much money I mean u got the shop and the restaurant but the way u living  I knew it was some else" she says sitting down

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