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Their harmony is beautiful this video totally doesn't imply to what  the ending is going to be and everyone of these videos will be in each of my new chapters from now on so :P yah.

Todoroki's POV

I check the time , it's 11:30 pm I know I'm being a bit Impatient but I guess I am kind of anxious I don't know how this is going to go I just hope it goes well. I walk up the from steps of the house and ring the doorbell and step back. When the door opens it isn't Katsuki who opens the door it's Elizabeth "Hey um there seems to be a problem." I am about to ask her exactly what when I hear yelling from upstairs "I AM NOT GOING GO WEAR THAT TIE." And I hear Aaliyah yell "BUT  YOU NEED TOO BECAUSE TIES ARE SEXY." I look at Elizabeth who gives me a look that says I don't even know and opens the door and beckons me to come in.

I walk inside and there is silence sharp contrast to the past few seconds and then a blur whizzes past me and tries to attack me from the left and I counter the attack and my attacker wastes no time to attack me from the other side and I grab their arms to prevent any further attacks . I look my attacker in the face and realize it's just Aaliyah who yells in the direction of the stairs "I APPROVE OF YOUR MANS FIGHTING SKILLS." then they turn to me and smiles "You are very skilled Todoroki not many people can evade my attacks let alone block them, I hope you have a nice time on your date." I laugh "Thanks your stronger than you look." They  look up and put their  hand on their  heart and says "Good sir are you looking down on me because of my gender." In a genuine English accent . I'm not sure if they're joking or not until they smile at me and say "Im joking, at ease soldier." 

I smile at them and they are suddenly lifted up off the ground by Elizabeth to which they start yelling at which earns a shut up from Katsuki who's coming down the stairs . I smile at him and once he reaches the end of the stairs and I walk up to him and say "Your tie isn't on properly." softly in his ear. He flinches and moves backwards and I grab his tie and fix it an pull him closer to me. He blushes and turns away.I hear footsteps down the stairs and I turn to see Bakugous mom who doesn't even blink and says "Of course my sons a fucking bottom." I turn back to Bakugou who's obviously mad and I laugh and say "Are you going to deny the truth." He gives me the death stare  which I chose to ignore and turn to his mom and say "Do you want us to bring anything back for you." She smiles "Finally someone considerate for what I want unlike my son."I hear a laugh from behind me and then Bakugous mom finally says "No I don't want anything but thanks for the offer. I nod and turn to Aaliyah and Elizabeth and Aaliyah hastily says no and Elizabeth shakes her head and then looks at Aaliyah and says "stop being so modest just ask for something."

I look back at Aaliyah who looks genuinely embarrassed and say "I don't min-" Till Katsuki cuts me off "Oh man up." They look startled and then says "Anything sweet but preferably chocolate." I nod and I want to ask what was with the change in behavior and I looked at Bakugou who just gave me a look that said it was a personal thing.

When we left it was around 11:50 and it took around 10 minutes to get to where we were going so it was perfect. I grabbed Katsuki's hand and rushed him to our destination and he looked startled for a second and then followed. Once we were there I asked him basic questions and we had a generally pleasant time and he liked the food and I didn't have to ask him to eat . He randomly told me that to him I resembled a cat out of no where and I told him that he reminds me of a Pomeranian and he got mad at me and then we he asked me if I was going to get dessert and I said sure as long as you choose it. He picked a vanilla chocolate cake (like one layer is vanilla then the other layer is chocolate) with white frosting and strawberries. 

I smile and take a bite and he looks at me expectantly and I give him a nod of approval and he smiles a bit and a bit later we leave at 1:10 and when we arrive back at Bakugou's house Aaliyah waits at the door and says I would advise you not to go through that door. Bakugou looks at them in confusion and annoyance. And they  practically fall backwards when the door suddenly opens but luckily someone catches them. My brain practically falls through my head when I see Midoriya helping Aaliyah up.

He turns to us smiles and says "Hey Kacchan,Todorki-kun."

I know how it looks but I promise that Deku won't be a problem (maybe) don't trust any word that I say for your own mental health, anyway Word count is 927.

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