1. Danger?

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10 Years ago

I came out of store and walked a little distance when I noticed the same chocolate on the sidewalk that I had handed to the kid. I looked around and noticed a dark alley. I shook my head and walked ahead a little, that's when I heard a scream. I froze at my place for a second, then turned and ran into the alley.

As I ran ahead in the alley, I could make out two figures in the distance, one was much smaller than the other.

When I reached them, anger flared inside me at what I saw, the man who was most probably drunk, had one hand on the kid's mouth to keep her shut and other was inside her top, she was writhing underneath him, tears were running on her face and eyes shut completely from fear.

He was so engrossed that he didn't even notice me when I punched him square in the jaw, he stumbled and fall down on the ground unconsciously. Bloody Fucker!

I crouched down infront of the girl and held her face in my hands. Her whole body was trembling.

"Hey Princess, it's okay, calm down, open your eyes, it's safe now, it's me, we met at the store remember?"

She peeled her eyes open and looked at me with intense and raw pain, relief washed over her face instantly. She made my knees weak, the way her green orbs stared at me, I can never forget the look on her face.

"Hey, it's okay, everything is fine, I am here now, don't worry." I said soothingly to comfort her. She nodded at me first and then said with a sob "I want to go home, I want to go to my Dad, please."

My heart broke, the way she was pleading I can even give her whole world. "Okay, Okay, Can you tell me where your home is, Princess? I will take you there." I said assuringly.

She nodded at me again. She was still trembling. I took off my jacket and draped over her shoulders.

"Here, it will keep you warm."

As she started to walk, her legs were wobbling, probably from the fear.

"Do you want a piggy back ride?" I asked her with a little smile on my lips to make her feel safe.

"Yes." She said, her voice was cracked up from all the screaming and sobbing. I wanted to kill that motherfucker for doing this to her.

Her house was only two blocks away. A Cop car was parked infront of the house.

"My Dad is here." She said groggily. I walked to the front door and rang the doorbell after putting her down.

The door flew open and there standing a man in a Cop uniform. His eyes landed on me and if looks could kill I would be dead by now. Then his eyes landed on her daughter, relief washed over his face and his eyes softened a little bit.

"Princess" he said and the girl ran into him directly, he scooped her up and hugged her tightly as she started sobbing.

He looked in my direction with fire evident in his eyes " Did you do something to my daughter? I swear I will kill you right here if you did anything to her."

"Daddy, he didn't do anything, he saved me from a bad guy." She said sniffing, while her face was buried in his father's neck.

At this her father nodded his head in understanding. "Tell me everything." I told him everything from the start, how I had met her in the store and found her later in the alley, when I finished, I looked at his daughter and found her fast asleep in his father's arms.

"Thank You so much for saving my daughter today. She is my life, I don't know what would I have done if something would have happened to her. I could never forgive myself."

"It's nothing Sir, I was just present at the right time and right place I'll be going now. I have to be somewhere."

He nodded and said "Thank You again and if you ever need anything you know where to be." He smiled a genuine smile at me and I returned it with mine. I took a last glance at her before turning away and said "Take care of her, she is very special."

"I know and I will. By the way you didn't tell me your name."


With that I walked away. I didn't know that a storm was waiting for me. I would have never expected that after this moment my whole life would be changed. Nothing warned me for what was about to come and my life turned upside down on that day.

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