Our Secret Memorial Day Part 15

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"I can't believe you just said that to him," Kie laughed as the two girls walked through the cover of the trees. "He's such a snob," Coral commented. "They all are," Kie remarked.

"Hey, what was Topper talking about when he called you tattletale?" Coral asked, glancing at Kie.

Pursing her lips Kie shrugged, "I don't know," she answered, "They're all users and liars," she said, bitterly. "What happened between you all?" Coral asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," Kie snapped before apologizing, "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I just finally saw their true colors."

Deciding not to push her friend Coral nodded as they walked out of the woods by the Chateau. Finding John B in the hammock drinking a beer she asked if he got everything for the party later that night.

"It's all in the kitchen," he answered. "Did you feed my babies?" Coral asked. "No, they're yours and JJ's. I'm not taking responsibility for them," he replied.

Rolling her eyes Coral stuck her tongue out at her brother, "They're chickens and a fucking rooster. You literally throw some feed on the ground and let them go," she said, stomping towards the chicken coop JJ had built in the backyard.

After feeding the chickens and rooster Coral headed inside to shower and changed into a bikini and shorts. She was in the kitchen cutting up limes for the tequila when JJ waltzed through the door.

"Hey Baby Girl, whatcha doing?" he asked, coming up behind her and kissing her neck. "Getting things ready for tonight," she responded. "Tequila shots? Yes let's," he exclaimed excitedly.

Smiling at the boy Coral grabbed a shot glass and filled it with tequila. Placing a wedge of lime in her mouth she handed him the salt. "God I love you," he told her before licking her chest above her bikini top, sprinkling the salt, he licked the salt from her chest, took the shot, and then sucked the lime from her mouth.

Spitting the lime out JJ tangled his hand in her hair bringing her mouth to his as he kissed her. "Mmm, you taste good," she muttered against his lips.

Pouring another shot he held it out to her, "Your turn," he said smiling

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Pouring another shot he held it out to her, "Your turn," he said smiling. Taking the shot, she placed it on the counter before yanking his t-shirt over his head. "Sassy," he muttered as she giggled.

"Help me up," she demanded. Picking her up he placed her on the counter and stepped between her legs moaning when her tongue licked the curve of his neck to his shoulder. Placing the lime in his mouth as she licked the salt from him, he watched as she slammed her shot back and took the lime from him.

Throwing the lime into the sink Coral licked her lips before kissing him again. "Where was John B and Kie when you came in?" Coral questioned as he kissed down her neck.

"Fishing down at the pier," he answered, picking her up from the counter. Wrapping her legs around him she smirked, "First orgasm of the holiday coming up," she giggled as he stumbled out of the kitchen and down the hall to her room.

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