Opening a new letter

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Victor and Tracy, William
(mainly Victor and Tracy)

No one's POV

Victor never liked to talk to other people. He would listen to them I they needed to get their their chest but that's about it. At the moment he was the newest resident to the manor.

He was standing in front of his room until he heard a voice.

"Hey Victor!"

He recognised who's voice it was. It was Tracy's.

"I wanted to give you something."

The short girl gave Victor a box wrapped in wrapping paper.

"Since you came to this manor you've been using a pen and paper to talk to us and because paper runs out of room I decided to make this for you. Go on open it." She said with a smile.

He stared at Tracy then nervously looked at the box. He carefully pulled the paper off trying to not rip it. Inside was a thin rectangle with a screen in the middle of it.

"I don't know what to call it but you can use that instead of paper if it wasn't obvious enough. Here let me show you."

She excitedly ran Victors tapping the screen. It lit up to his surprise.

"Just tap anywhere to turn it on and then here for all of the letters. Then tap on them to write the words."

Tracy started to write a sentence and after finishing she then pointed towards a button.

"And after you wrote what you wanted you can press this for it to speak it out, see."

A robotic voice came out of the rectangle surprising Victor once again.

"WHAT... DO... YOU... THINK... VICTOR...?"

"The voice still has a few kinks I need to flatten out but I will be able to fix them later. I was also able to muster up the courage to ask for help from the owner so this baby is indestructible!"

Tracy looked very proud herself and Victor couldn't help but smile for what she had done for him.

"thank you... you didn't need to do this for me.."

"*gasp* you can talk!" Tracy quickly  covered his mouth.

"S-sorry it's, you know... you never use your voice."

"no it's ok..."

"YOOO! Tracy! Victor! how are you two doing!!!"

The two of them turned to see William waving his arms to them.

"Hi William. We're doing gre-"

"Hey! What's this?" William said grabbing Victor's new gift put his hands.

"Is this going to used for a new sport or something?" He started it to inspect it like it was some sort of relic.

"Hey give that back to Victor! That's for him and him only!"

"Oh, sorry. My bad dude."

"it's ok..."

"Wooo, you actually spoke. I thought you were dumb or something."

"William don't be so rude!"

"Ah, sorry my dude. Oh Tracy, I almost forgot. A pipe broke in the laundry area. It's flooding the section."

"Really! What are we waiting for! I've got to get there before it floods the whole manor!"

"Oh right! Let's go!"

"Kay hope you the gift Victor, whoooa!"

And with that William had picked up Tracy effortlessly in a bridle position and started to run down the stairs.

He laughed at how the two talked towards each other.


Victor looked down to see his trusted partner, Wick, waggling his tail ready to run around.

"I'm sorry boy. I forgot about you."


"*giggle* C'mon boy. Let's go on a walk."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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