8. What is your Hero Name?

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>>Yes, I realize this is not chronologically correct, but whatever. I had ideas for this, so I'm doing it. Also, the translations may not be 100% accurate ÙwÚ<<

Aries: The Noise Hero: Sutonpu (stomp in Japanese, since one of your moves requires stomping)

Taurus: The Singing Hero: Allure

Gemini: The Hidden Hero: Shifter

Cancer: The Summoning Hero: Convoquer (summon in French)

Leo: The Bomb Hero: Solaire (solar in French, since your quirk is charged by solar power)

Virgo: The Tentacle Hero: Tako (octopus in Japanese)

Libra: The Leeching Hero: Sangsue (leech in French)

Scorpio: The Shrinking Hero: Minuscule (tiny in French)

Sagittarius: The Energy Hero: Bolt

Capricorn: The Hydrogen Hero: Kūki (air in Japanese)

Aquarius: The Slime Hero: Suraimu (slime in Japanese)

Pisces: The Chain Hero: Kusari (chain in Japanese)

>>If you couldn't tell, I'm taking French this year lmao. I hope you enjoy your Hero names, young students. Until next time, Plus Ultra! <<

~Galaxy-Chan signing off

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