ii. The Doctor Dances

Start from the beginning

"Oh... yeah... we sort of had a bit of a... sky view of the Blitz?" Rose cuts in, laughing nervously.

"Are you both alright?" the Doctor asks. "And you just had to wear that shirt today? You're like a big ol' blow me up sign!"

"We're fine, Jack saved us," she waves the Doctor off. I sigh before turning around to look at Jack to find the wheelchair that he was sat in empty. He's gone.


After a while, we found different spots in the room to lounge in; the Doctor in a chair, Rose laying on the bench and me sitting on the arm of the chair, next to the Doctor. "Doctor? The marks on the back of all of the patient's hands, do you think that they're all linked somehow?" I ask him and he looks up at me, grabbing onto my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"Why do you ask?" he questions.

"Because Jamie was the first person to be injured by that thing and he has the exact same mark on his hand but compared to the marks on all of the patient's hands, his one is real," I tell the Doctor. "I mean, if you think about it, all of the marks look like they've been copied and then placed on their hands and then Jamie's mark looks real. Like his hand has been cut."

"Well, that is a possibility," the Doctor tells me and I smile.

"So, are we not going to talk about how Jack just vanished into thin air?" Rose asks, pulling her knees up.

"I'm not too worried about it," the Doctor says, rolling his eyes.

"Why is it always the great looking ones who do that?" Rose sighs, sending me a wink making me frown slightly.

"I'm making an effort not to be insulted," the Doctor mumbles. I send Rose a look but she ignores it. Well, you're my hansom husband. Don't worry Kas.

I flinch my head from the thought in my head. "You alright?" the Doctor asks me, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah. I will be," I tell the Doctor, squeezing his hand back.

"Rose? Galaxy? Doctor?" Jack's voice asks, filling the room. I look at the radio for it is the only thing in the room with a speaker. "Can you hear me?"

The Doctor, Rose and I walk towards the radio listening to it. "I'm back on my ship, used the emergency teleport," Jack tells us.

"Oh, and you couldn't take us?" I ask him.

"Sorry I couldn't take you; it's security-keyed to my molecular structure," he explains. "I'm working on it.

"How are you speaking to us?" the Doctor asks, showing Rose and I the frayed radio wires.

"Om-com; I can call anything with a speaker grille," he answers.

"Now there's a coincidence," the Doctor comments.

"What is?" Rose asks.

"I have a feeling that Jamie can om-comm too," I tell them.

"He can?" Rose frowns.

"Anything with a speaker grille, even the TARDIS phone," the Doctor nods.

"What? You mean the child can phone us?" Rose asks.

"And I can hear you!" Jamie's voice comes over the radio in a sing-song tone, making a chill run up my spine. 'Coming to find you! Coming to fiiinnnd you!'

"You guys can hear that?" Jack calls.

"Loud and clear," the Doctor replies.

"I'll try to block out the signal, least I can do," Jack tells us.

"This is weird. At least this now explains why I got a call from Jamie up in Jack's ship when Rose was passed out," I mutter to myself.

"Remember this one, Rose?" Jack asks.

'Moonlight Serenade' by Glenn Miller starts to play through the radio and I raise an eyebrow at Rose. She smiles, shaking her head. "Our song," she snorts.

"He's got good taste in music. I'll give him that," I say, smiling.

"Thank you, Galaxy," he calls over the song and I can practically hear the smirk in his voice. "Maybe you and I could dance to this later?"

"In your dreams, captain. Besides, I don't and dance," I say.

"I believe you can dance," he tells me and I shake my head.

"I said I don't dance. Not that I can't which I can thank you very much but I don't do it often and when and if I do, it will only be for work purposes or with someone or some people special," I tell him, smirking and I see Rose in the corner of my eye, smiling at me and then she nods her head towards the Doctor and I look at him to see he has a frown on his face and then he moves over to the window, starting to mess around with it. I look back at Rose and she mouths 'jealous', making me roll my eyes. Why would the Doctor be jealous. I mean, it's not as if he likes me like that or anything. I mean... if he asked me on a date... I wouldn't say no but he doesn't do that sort of thing. I mean, he lost his bloody wife in the Time War for god sake. Plus the fact that he's nine hundred years old and an alien! I'm just a seventeen year old human girl who has sleeping and mental problems, what could he see in me?

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