♡Forbidden Love♡

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hey guys let's pretend this chapter doesn't exist

The week flew past and the next thing i knew it was the weekends again

I had to keep my distance away from oikawa as he kept on asking me everyday to hang out i said no and when he tried to talk to me i cut him short

Yes, i did love him
But i needed this forbidden love to go away

If i did like him even more i might even kill myself for him

He liked another girl more than me yet i would forgive him

He always looked sad whenever someone other than me talked to him

Even to iwaizumi he would not be like himself and he would act all depressed

"Iwa-chan y/n-chan is never gonna like meeee" he drags

Well thats wrong, i walk away slowly

"Dont worry she will never like you back" iwaizumi tells him

" you deserve a punch for being such a bitch to her "he says slapping him


I smile

But one sentence keeps on running over my mind over and over again

"Dont worry she will never like you back" what did that mean? In the friend way or more...? But why would oikawa want to be more than friends with me?..

does oikawa like me?

Confused i walk up to yui and akira

Yui is swooning over kuroo and akira is dissing him like she does to every boy

Except iwaizumi

She always uses him as a role model to us compared to other boys

I quickly whisper into yui's ear "i ship her with iwaizumi" i grin

And yui starts laughing


"Wait...WHAT TELL ME!?" akira starts chasing me

But she cant keep up🔪🙃🤩

After school oikawa tries to talk to me but he manages to talk to me properly

"Y/n-chan i know you're ignoring me" he sadly walks with me

"Wowww genius" i say

He grabs my hand tightly
"Oikawa LET GO-"

"I need you to meet me at XXX hill at 9:00p.m on Saturday

"Awhh man come on Saturday is my favourite day" i say

But he looks serious- i'll give this one to him

"Fine" i sigh in defeat

"This is your only chance"

"Yaaaay y/n-chan thankkk youuu i wont disapoint" he proudly remarks


"Hey do you want to walk home together?" He asks

"Nice try but no thanks" i smile

He tried his hardest


I have nothing to do its so boring and blank and i only have to meet oikawa so for the whole day i just flick through tiktok

Im on a call with iwaizumi,oikawa and akira right now and im just on tiktok

"Im so happy im on weeb tiktok" i tell them

"Bakugou looks so hot" i swoon

"Y/n-chan why do you simp over a 2-D character" oikawa asks

"BECAUSE-" i start

"When you can simp over me" he proudly tells me

"Im so pretty-OW"

"What happened?!" Akira says

"Iwa-chan punched me!!!"he complains

"Arent we on a call?" I ask

"But i can Just FEEL him punching me through the screen" he exaggerates

We all roll our eyes

Its 7:00p.m now i have a bath which takes about 1hr and then i change into a small dress

You gotta do something to impress your crush

Its wasnt too short but not too long either

It was cool , i loved it

I could run and not sweat i could be refreshed by the air instead of water

I walked in the main town bit and it wasnt too busy but it was decorated with fluorescent lights and there was fairy lights everywhere

I totally forgot what they were for (you will remember later)

I glanced over and saw hina's black hair( totally forgot her hair colour) and i ignored it

Then i saw a certain brown hair and a whining voice , he was wearing shorts and a top and i got disappointed

I knew it was oikawa's

I felt betrayed but i wanted to tell him what he was doing to me , how he was hurting me

I didnt cry because 'a princess doesn't cry'

I walk up to the hill

For some reason it was decorated like the same as the town and it was beautiful no not beautiful

It looked beyond amazing like i would full on go here for my honey moon

It was the sight of the building below us. That was all twinkling because of the fairy lights

It was high and chilly the perfect weather

But i got reminded of oikawa because of this and i got miserable again

It was a great time to sing heather , im pretty sure oikawa was too busy talking with hina to show up

When i was singing my whole world shook . I thought about the GREATEST times i had with oikawa but then i thought of all the bitchy things he said to me

Tears started falling out as i sang the last line

"I wish i were heather" i cry sadly

"Too bad you are heather" his special voice booms

I knew who it was instantly

"How" i ask

"Every girl would think of you like a heather when they find out i love you"

~>The Rain<~  (oikawa x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant