The small things

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Y/N - your name
Y/L/N - your last name

You woke up the next morning In the best mood. You didn't understand what you were feeling. "Do I even like Billie?" You wonder, "Even if I do, she's won't be interested in me she doesn't like women. Or does she?" Your thoughts are interrupted by a loud knock on door. You rush downstairs to see who wants you so early. Opening the door, you see it was Billie. "What are you doing here?" You ask. "I just came round to see if you slept okay and they the ghosts weren't bothering you, sorry were you asleep?" She replied. "No,no it's okay I wasn't asleep," you reassure her, "come in." You pull her coat off and hang it up before leading her into the living room.

You talked all day, every now and then Billie would touch your thigh or your hand. When she laughed or smiled you would get butterfly's in your stomach. "Do you want a cigarette?" Billie asked, you were too busy being mesmerised by her beauty to hear what she was saying. "Y/N?" "Oh sorry Billie," you apologise, "um yes I'll have one thank you." Billie stares at you strangely for a few seconds before lighting a cigarette and passing it to you. As the day went on you grew more and more attracted to her. You noticed the freckles on her neck and collar bone. You noticed her slim cheek bones and her plump pink lips. All you could think about was kissing her. "Oh no why am I thinking that?" You ask yourself, "I need to stop, this isn't like me."
Billie must have noticed that you were staring at her as she cleared her throat and said "It's rude to stare Miss Y/L/N." "Sorry," you say, embarrassed, "I was just thinking about something." "Care to share?" Billie asks. You can feel your cheeks turning red as you try to find a reason. "Do you have a husband?" You ask. "Oh shit, why did I ask that? Im stupid." Billie smiled at you slightly before turning to you and saying "if you want to ask me out on a date just do it." You were so shocked. How did she know? "Was I really that obvious?" You thought to yourself. "Um would you like to go out on a date with me? You stutter. "Be ready for 8pm, I'll call us an Uber." She replied, and with that she got up, grabbed her coat and left.

That night you went to bed dreaming about Billie and the date you were going on. You fell straight to sleep again and slept all the way through to the morning.

Billie, darling Where stories live. Discover now