Chapter 18: A Labyrinthine Nightmare

Start from the beginning

"We must be in the Infernal Realm..." Velma said cautiously.

Soon, Shaggy gasped out and looked to everyone else, clearly becoming panicked. "Like, what happened to the girls?" He began, trying to make his way up to his feet.

"Careful, Raggy..!" Scooby warned, not wanting his friend to trip over himself in a fit of panic. Despite this, Shaggy began to move around a bit more freely without much incident. Scooby joined his side as he began to inspect the walls, giving the other three enough time to get up on their feet as well.

"I don't see them anywhere," Fred stated as he searched around the room as well. "I don't see any sign of Googie, the Colonel, Miss Grimwood, or the Detective anywhere either. Seems like we're the only ones in this... place?" He continued, scratching his head as he tried to comprehend their location.

"What do you supposed happened to them?" Daphne asked the others.

"I don't know," Velma said, rubbing her forehead as she groaned. "For some reason, I can't... remember how we even got here."

"...that's weird," Daphne said, concentrating for a little bit before shrugging. "...I don't either."

"Same here," Fred confirmed, a hand on his chin. "Last thing I recall was us opening the portal... and then we all woke up here."

"Like, I wonder if they're all in the same kind of situation as us," Shaggy called out to the others from a wall, rubbing his hand against what looked like nothing. "Like, there's no doors or anything!"

"Seems like he wants us trapped..." Velma sighed out. "For what reason, I doubt is anything nice."

"So it just wants us to starve to death?" Daphne asked, rolling her eyes a little bit. "That's kinda lame, to be honest. I would've figured it would've done something more creative."

"How naive of you," Came a new voice. A different voice. A very unwelcome voice. Shaggy and Scooby yelled out, almost instantly recognizing it. The gang all turned their attention upwards, towards whatever ceiling there was. The voice began to gurgle and cackle, and quite loudly at that. It was quite the contrast to their quiet conversations early, that it was quite ear-splitting hearing it laugh in such a disgusting manner. Sure enough, though, almost like a large, black, slimy glob, it seemed to drip from the ceiling, quickly forming into a large spider. The torso was that of a nasty, witch like woman, with numerous red eyes and large, sharp teeth protruding out of it's mouth, which hung open, allowing a long, vine-like tongue to hang from it, drooling in a nasty way. It's limbs moved in an unnatural way, almost snapping and cracking with each sudden movement.

Everyone was frozen in place, with Shaggy and Scooby shaking with immense fear. "R-r-r-revolta!" Scooby yelped out.

"L-l-like what're you doing here?" Shaggy added on, his voice quivering as much as his body was.

It seemed to laugh even louder, with Daphne covering her ears with a wince on her face. "Ugh! You sure look like a nasty old witch!" She called out.

"Why, thank you, dearie," The arachnid Revolta said, her voice dripping with a sickeningly sweet tone, which was used solely to mock everyone. "I should ask all of you the same question!" She began, her voice quickly changing to that of malice. "My master is not so happy to hear that you're trying to butt into his plans!"

"But we thought you got blown up!" Fred accused, pointing a finger in her direction. Revolta turned her gaze to him, flashing a look of absolute disgust to the human.

"I did," She hissed angrily, her clawed hands twitching and forming into fists. "However, my master was oh so kind enough to rebuild me into something better. More powerful!" She laughed, arching her back a bit, which cracked loudly.

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