2. Nihachu's kitten! :D

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"y/n!! I'm going over to niki's house to see her new kitten she wants to know if you wanna go too?" Niki was one of my brothers friends, they flirted sometimes but never really got into a relationship.
i really liked niki, and I love cats so why not. "sure, gimme like 5 minutes." It didn't take long to get ready. when we got there we were greeted by Niki's friend Rihanna. Niki was on Minx's love or host so we couldn't go talk to her but Will went over and took the kitten handing it to me. The kitten was super sweet and loved climbing on Wilbur and me. Will and Rihanna kept sabotaging Niki by saying she chose host which was pretty funny. My phone dang saying wilbur had tweeted.

who's that in the background? @/Nihachu                @/WilburSoot

| @/WilburSoot
y/n idiot she's playing with Niki's new kitten.

| @/user28
liked by y/nsoot<3

| @/user0 only if they're comfortable with it tho-
liked by y/nsoot<3

            TommyInnit, that was the guy who heard me singing wap. He was pretty fun to talk to but I didn't talk to him as much as the others. I read some of the comments and liked them. even though I wasn't a streamer I still enjoyed replying to my brothers fans. I decided to tweet a bit before my attention went back to the kitten. I'd gained some followers in the last few days I assume cause of tommy and will.

@/TommyInnit minecraft?

| @/TommyInnit
| hmmmm maybe.

*short time skip <3*

            once will and I got home he ordered some takout from our favorite place to eat and hung out for a while. we parted our own ways going to our rooms. I decided to get on the dream smp cause why not. I grabbed my pink headphones and sat in my chair. I joined the game and looked at who was online.


I didn't know who to talk to but I ended up getting a message from the one and only, TommyInnit.

TommyInnit whispers to you: vc 2 please
you whisper back to TommyInnit: fine.

          I joined vc 2 just like he said and it was just me and him. "so how was meeting Niki's cat?"
"oh it was pretty fun! her kitten is adorable!!" he laughed a bit before responding "did you take any pictures of mr president?" he asked in a joking voice I assume cause I liked a comment that said to take photos. "yes actually I did. would you like to see them?" he simply hummed a 'yes' before I posted the photos on Instagram.


(pretend that's u and Niki's kitten)1 of 2 photos

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(pretend that's u and Niki's kitten)
1 of 2 photos

2 of 2 photos❤️ liked by TommyInnit and 219,302 othersy/nsoot<3 cats are like lowkey Pog

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2 of 2 photos
❤️ liked by TommyInnit and 219,302 others
y/nsoot<3 cats are like lowkey Pog... peep wil being a cat playground :)

Nihachu i miss u guys already and so does kitty :(
TommyInnit no dogs are Pog get it right.
Tubbolive bees are better but Niki's cat is an exception!!
user18 is this a face reveal??
| y/nsoot<3 I mean u can only see half my face...
username2 wasn't she the only singing wap on Tommy's stream??

     I talked to Tommy until about 4am and somehow it felt like I knew nothing about him besides the fact that he plays minecraft although he seemed like a really cool person. he was different while talking off stream, more calm maybe even a bit more sad..? I couldn't figure this guy out. after shutting off my pc and ending the call, I laid in my bed with my eyes open just looking at the ceiling. my mind was racing but I eventually fell asleep. there was something about him that just made me happy.

A/N: I know this is a short chapter but ima start writing like right now and just make a bunch of chapters and try to publish everyday also I love all of you who vote, comment or add my book to ur library <3

just friends? // Tommyinnit x reader :DDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora