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Its the annual cross country race, and just a week ago, a new person (A) arrived.

During the race one of the strongest racers (B) is in the lead and everyone else is a few minutes behind. The school is small, and as long as everyone does the race no-one really cares where you come.

Suddenly they trip and fall, twisting thier ankle, making it very hard to walk. After sitting down for about ten minutes, nearly everyone has passed them. The people who walk are still to come but they just can't be bothered.

B gets up and starts to hobble along, there is another mile before they get back to the start line. After a while of hobbling they see A, on the floor stuggling to breathe.

They know what's happening, A is having an asmtha attak. B's sister also has asmtha so they know what to do.

After calming down A, they walk back to the school, where everyone has overtwken them, and they are last. They both go to the first aid room, and are let off PE for a week.

After the incident, they become friends and eventually something more.

I cam up with this when I was searching for this kind of thing. I had 3 main pairings for A and B

A could be

B could be

This could work for Loki and Thor too, but obviously they would already know each other ect and you would have to adapt it a bit. Oh and Edmund and Peter would be the same


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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