Chapter Two: The Meeting

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Finders Keepers, Cheaters Weepers

Chapter Two

The meeting

            So it’s been about a month since I left. I got a job at the local coffee shop in the Barnes and Noble store a few blocks from my new home. I love it there. I love coffee and I love books so it’s like the perfect job for me.

            Of course I didn’t have the money to buy a place. I’m staying with my brother and his girlfriend…or fiancé… I’m not sure. But they are just like newlyweds, I swear.

            They’re all mushy and gushy. It’s cute, but not when you were cheated on by the guy you loved and you have no one to be that way with you. It tends to be lonely, but I deal with it.

            I call Kaylie on a daily basis, like I promised. She even finally came to see me yesterday. She had to get away from Zane, though. He knew she would end up come to see me and I don’t want him knowing where I am.

            She got passed him successfully and as far as we know, he is oblivious to my whereabouts still, which is exactly what I want.

*(Zane’s POV)*

            “Alpha,” I say. Blaze looks at me questioningly. “Yes, Beta?” I clear my throat. “I would like to borrow the tracker,” I tell him, my voice in a serious tone. He laughs at me, “And why do you wish to do that? I’ve been gone for a week and this is my greeting.”

            “Sorry Alpha, but it is very important. It’s about my…mate. She’s gone and I can’t find her. I can’t track her cell phone because she destroyed it,” I tell Blaze. “Why did she run?” he asks me. “We fought and she left. She’s human, and she doesn’t know about us so she doesn’t understand the law of mates.”

            “Well if that’s the case…then I permit it. But only because she is your mate,” my Alpha says, “oh, and another thing: when you go after her, I’m coming with you. You need your friend.” “Agreed.” I thank him and head on my way to Reid’s room.

            He opens the door confused, obviously not expecting me. I’ve never needed his services until now. I don’t think I’ve ever said two words to the guy. Oh well.

            “I need your help.” He just nods and motions me inside. He tells me that he wants to try to locate her through means other than literally tracking her scent since she is, after all, only a human.

            After about two hours on his high-tech computer, he says, “Found her. She was easy to track through her credit card.” He gave me the address of her residence and I immediately went to find Alpha.

            We left no less than twenty minutes later, with my fake mate on my mind. She isn’t my true mate, but I intended on making her mine anyway. Blaze doesn’t need to know she’s only my human love, not my actual mate.

*(Aurora’s POV)*

            “Aurora!” My brother Jack yells up the stairs. “Yes?” I yell back. “Someone is in the drive way!” I don’t bother replying. I just run down the stairs, thinking it is Kaylie, here to surprise me.

            When I walk out the front door, I notice I made a grave mistake. Standing in front of me is not Kaylie, but Zane himself. “H-how did you find me?” I ask. “Resources,” he says smoothly.

            He races towards me and puts his arms around me. “Aurora! I’m so happy to see you!” I struggle to get out of his grip. “Let me go!” I push against his chest, but to no use.

            “Let. Me. Go.”

*(Blaze’s POV)*

            I get out of the car after Zane, and notice a beautiful girl step out of the house. She has long, blonde hair and the most gorgeous green eyes. Not the normal combination, but it just somehow makes her even more beautiful than she already is.

            What I notice then, shocks me. Zane has the girl in his arms, but she’s struggling. He yells, “Aurora! I’m so happy to see you!” Aurora…what a fitting name.

            What I hear next comes as a surprise. “Let. Me. Go.” I lock eyes with the girl and my wolf comes alive. ‘Mate’ He rejoices in the fact we found our mate. But he soon is growling as he realizes she’s in Zane’s arms.

            “Let her go.”

*(Aurora’s POV)*

            I lock eyes with the most attractive guy I’ve ever seen. Zane is hot, but nowhere near as sexy as this guy. It’s like the world stopped. It was only us. Well, that was until Zane squeezed me again.

He angrily demands Zane to let me go, but of course, he refuses. “I’m not letting her go, Blaze. She’s mine,” he says. “Excuse me?! I am NOT yours! Emphasis on the ‘not’!”

Zane makes a sound like a growl. What the heck! Did he just growl at me?! I struggle once more to get out of his tight grasp. He glares at Blaze. If looks could kill, they’d both be dead from the evil glares they are giving each other.

            “You lied,” Blaze states. Zane scoffs. “About what!” Blaze looks really annoyed. “She’s not your mate.” Huh? “How would you know?” Zane asks him. Blaze looks at me, with a soft expression and says, “Because she’s my mate.”

*(Zane’s POV)*

            “Because she’s my mate.”

            WHAT?! She’s his mate?! NO! It can’t be! She is MINE! And I will fight for her. He can’t have her. I won’t allow it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2012 ⏰

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