💐Lando Norris - Proposal

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Anonymous request for Lando, I hope the person whom requested this enjoys it xxx
*This is set in a few years time btw *

Proposing... Why was this even a thing? It was all so stupid! Why did people have to get so worked up or nervous over a stupid ring? Lando never understood until he actually had to do it himself with his girlfriend Y/n. He rehearsed what he had to say in the mirror, to Carlos, basically practised on everybody and everything except you. He wanted this to be perfect. "And you didn't now why I was so nervous asking Isa to marry me." Carlos laughs at how distressed his friend was. "You acted more of a wuss than this Carlos!" Lando retaliated. "You know she's going to say yes so why are you panicking so much?" Carlos mused. "That's exactly what you told me back then and now you are in that position." Carlos says eating a spoonful of yoghurt. "Why are you even in my room? Aren't you supposed to be over at Ferrari or something?" Lando began to get frustrated. "You asked me to come here to help. I've given you help but you just won't listen." Lando hid his head in his hands. "What if she doesn't want to get married, Carlos?" Carlos moved over beside his friend to comfort him.

"Look mate, I know right now it seems scary, really scary but I'll tell you something. When she walks down the aisle in a white dress and with that engagement glimmering on her finger, it'll all be worth it. I promise." Lando looked up to Carlos. He smiled at the thought of her walking done the aisle. "If you say so. Thanks Carlos."


Y/n looked around the track. Monza. She adored this track, truly something else. "Are you sure we're allowed to be on the track?" she asked him. She didn't want him to get in trouble for the sake of her completing a dream. "I asked. We're allowed." He said. She linked arms with him and rested her head on his shoulder. "This was a good idea for a date night. Going on a track walk on my favourite track." Lando held his breath. As the seconds counted, he grew closer and closer to the main straight. He wanted to propose up on the podium so he asked some of the people from McLaren to make up something cute up there while he was away with her and they did not disappoint. They rounded the parabolica and set eyes on the line of lit candles leading to somewhere. "Is that for us to follow?" She asked already knowing the answer. "I don't know I guess we should just find out shouldn't we?" She giggled and walked with him following the trail of candles.

The track was already dark with the only light coming from the small candle trail. Her heart melted with every step. They followed every single candle up until they reached the podium. Y/n looked out onto the view of the track. It was absolutely gorgeous. "Wow Lando, you've really outdone yourself tonight." Y/n mused. "Well let's not speka too soon." Lando jokes as he begins to kneel. "I don't know what you could possibly do to beat thi-" Y/n turned around smiling. Her smile faded as her eyes landed on her boyfriend knelt before her with a box in his hand. She clasped her hands over her mouth in disbelief that the day she had long awaited had finally come. "Y/n, I've spent the last six years by your side as your boyfriend and I want to spend even more with you but as your husband instead so will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" She held her breath being quite literally speechless and with each growing second, Lando became more and more worried that she didn't want to get married. "Woah." was all she could muster up. "Woah?" Lando asked confused. "I-I don't- what the hell? I- yes!" Lando let out a shaky breath before letting the smile he had reappear onto his face as he slipped the beautiful ring onto her finger. He stood up and pulled her into a loving kiss. Their first, might I add, as a newly engaged couple overlooking the beautifully lit track of Monza

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