"Yes, but even a Stimpak takes time to work. And as I just told the others, it's not Danse's fault." A low growling grumble answered her. She sighed in recognition of his indignation, and leaned into him, resting her head against his cheek. He responded with an absent-minded kiss to her hair. "Mmm, I feel better already."

"You Mungo," he teased, briefly lightening before sobering again, fingers tightening on her shoulder. "I- I know you need to work with the Brotherhood.... to find the Institute, and your son." He paused, and she waited for him to continue; reveling in his presence, his warmth, the protective arm around her, even the rasp of his beard stubble against her face. "I just... I just wish you'd take me with you," he finished, voice dropping into a dejected murmur. "We make a better team together than anyone else."

Nora turned to give his jaw a quick kiss. "I know, love. I wish I could too, but Elder Maxson is a stickler when it comes to protocol. Danse is my commanding officer, my sponsor, and my partner for missions." At the word "partner," MacCready's arm tightened jealously, and she thrilled quietly at his unconscious gesture. "They have the best technology in the Commonwealth. If I want to stay in their good graces long enough to be able find the Institute, I need to follow orders. You have to trust me, RJ."

"Oh, I trust you," he assured her with another quick kiss to the top of her head, "it's the Brotherhood I can't trust. They made themselves very unpopular in the Capital Wasteland with Maxson in charge, and they're dangerous to anyone he doesn't like...anyone not like him. Danse is a perfect little copy of Maxson's vision, and I just can't trust him either."

Nora hmmed and gently tweaked the tip of MacCready's nose. "Is that why you confronted him back there?" At his renewed growl of anger, she shushed him with a gentle finger. "It was an unlucky mission, that's all. Danse saved my life." He huffed a skeptical grunt in reply. "There's more to him than just Maxson's vision. He's a member of Red Rocket after all. Maybe you just need to get to know him better." She smiled at his dubious frown. "Reminds me of a certain sniper I know...."

"Oh really?" There was challenge in MacCready's tone. "Should I be worried that a walking tin can will steal my girl?" He put both arms around her in a possessive hug, nuzzling the back of her neck briefly.

"Never," she reassured, leaning into him. God, he's such a lovable dork.  She had been despondent at her husband's violent death, and showed a near-suicidal recklessness during the initial search for her kidnapped son. Months had passed with her drive to find Shaun, find the killers, forefront in her mind. Impulsively hiring MacCready as an extra gun and an inadvertent survival teacher was hands-down the best choice she could have made in those early days of her new life. She hadn't known it at first, but he was in a similar situation- his wife gruesomely murdered in front of him, his son in desperate need of aid. Yet he kept a strong sense of self, learning to roll with the punches the Commonwealth dealt out and come up fighting, with a comedic wit and sharp intelligent observations. She couldn't help but fall for his unbreakable spirit, and the loving core of his soul. He taught her to survive in this new reality in more ways than one, and she loved him for it.

"You called us a family earlier," he commented a few moments later, his voice a pleasant rumble in her ear.

"Mm-hmm," she confirmed.

"Why? None of us are related. Hell, my only family is Duncan, and he's back in the Capital Wasteland." MacCready rested his chin on the top of Nora's head and gave a wistful sigh.

Nora wiggled out from under his chin to look at him. His blue eyes were troubled, staring off into the middle distance. She tried to explain. "As unlikely a group as we are, we do act a lot like a family. You don't always like them, but you'll do anything to keep them safe." She added, "Friends are the family you choose, after all."

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