"This is Garvey we're talking about," Piper began, "where do you think?"

All three voices chimed in at this prompt, a sing-song refrain they'd all heard way too often, "Another settlement needs our help." Nora groaned inwardly as Piper continued. "You and Danse were way overdue, and we didn't know when you were going to be back. Preston grabbed Nick to go see what was going on and lend a hand. They're actually due back any time now. We thought you were them until we heard the stomping of your power armor."

Nora paused in hitting the release button, turning her head to face Piper. "Wait, what? I told Proctor Quinlan to get a message to you that we had been tasked with an emergency mission and would be an extra day or two getting back." Her voice hardened. "He never told you?" Damn them, she thought, fatigue causing her to lose a grip on her temper, that was part of the deal I made! When I go on Brotherhood missions, Hancock and Garvey are to be kept informed!

"No," muttered MacCready to her right. "Apparently us civilians aren't trustworthy or something." His voice was tight with emotion, and Nora hoped he had a better hold on his temper than she did right now. She was so tired.

"All right, I will deal with it...tomorrow." She sighed heavily. "Tonight, I am going to get clean, get changed out of this godawful Brotherhood uniform, and relax." Twin nods from Cait and MacCready as they stationed themselves on either side of her power armor to help her down. Piper snorted and muttered, not quite under her breath, "Good luck with that, Blue."

Finally. Nora hit the exit button and immediately bit back an exclamation of pain as the panels of the power armor opened out and up. The jagged spur that had been gouging her lower back and left side of her spine tore free, breaking open the half-healed scabs that had formed around the metal. A rush of warmth blossomed around the frayed orange Brotherhood uniform. She staggered back, seeing sparkling fireworks in her vision.

Cait caught her left arm, MacCready her right and they helped her step down to the concrete floor. "Shite!"Cait exclaimed as she noticed the fresh blood, "how long has that been goin' on?"

"Just... happened..." Nora gasped. She slumped heavily into MacCready's support, sinking to one knee and letting go of Cait to place her palm flat on the ground. MacCready shifted his grip on her arm to steady her with both hands. She gratefully leaned into his strength as he subtly gave her a reassuring double-squeeze. I've got you, it said.

"Can't bullshit me, luv," admonished Cait, "I've seen my share of cuts, and that's been digging in for a while, I'd say." She gently picked at the torn fabric, letting out a low whistle to accompany Nora's hiss of pain. "Broke open again just now, but that might be good. You need to get that cleaned out. That damned suit is all scabbed in there."

Piper came over next to Cait brandishing a pair of sturdy scissors. "Looks like we'll have to cut you out of that thing, Blue." She gestured to the interior doorway. "Girls' only time! MacCready, go get Curie. We're going to need her help."

MacCready hesitated for a second. "I'm not your errand boy," he retorted sullenly.

Cait answered him with a growl as she took Piper's scissors and got to work. "Look here, handsome. Nora's getting out of that uniform as soon as I can cut around this goddamned scab. She's gonna need medical attention, and Curie's the best we got. We don't need any men in here makin' things awkward. Go. Get. Curie." She made an abortive stabbing motion at the sniper with the scissors. "Out!" she demanded.

Nora met MacCready's eyes with a pleading expression, her face hidden from the others. At this, he reluctantly relented, gently releasing Nora's arm with another quick squeeze of his fingers. "Fine," he snapped gracelessly at Cait, rising swiftly to his feet and practically stomping away with an angry set to his shoulders. Piper followed him to the doorway, taking up a guard stance to prevent anyone unauthorized from entering.

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