Part 2:bullies

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I was bullied since 4th grade. It was because I was Ugly, fat,basically I was nobody. I never told anyone because I thought that is was gonna get worse. When I was nine I lost the greatest person in my Life. She was my best friend, my hero, the person that I came to when I needed something, she was my aunt Ruby. When she died I didn't know what to do. That's when my depression and anxiety really started to show. I started to cut my legs up so no one would he the scars. And the bullying didn't make it better odviously. 5th grade got better because I got but in the class with my best friend. We was both quite but at the end of the day she had my back and I had hers. Then that year ended and 6 grade started. Omg when I say that year was the worse I mean it was the worse. I was bullied, picked on, hit. And I used to always get into fights. I wasn't really known for making friends easily because I was really quite in elementary school. But I said I wanted to kill myself and my grandparents took it as a cry for attention and that hurt a lot. So then I went back to cutting myself with screw drivers probably anything that I knew would cut my skin or make me feel pain. The pain I felt made me happy. It was like if I didn't cut then I wouldn't be here today. But I'm begging you not to cut your self or do any self harm because I becomes a habit or a sense of relief and it's not. Your hurting yourself and everyone around you that really cares about you. I know how it feels to be alone but at the end of the day your not. There is always that one person that is there for you. I love everyone in this world no matter how bad they hurt me or anything to that extent. And if your going through something do be afraid to tell some one and That's what happened to me I kept it all inside and know I have therapy every other Saturday because I don't know how to deal with bullying and crap like that. Life is hard I know it is but you have to think about the people around you and how there gonna feel when they get a call saying that there loved has pasted away from suicide. It gonna be okay.

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