Your Song

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Harry: Fix You by Coldplay.

You had a disturbing past but Harry excepted that, he only wanted to help you grow stronger and for you to regain faith in life's beauty, this is the song he would sing to you whenever you were feeling even the slightest bit down.

Niall: I Wont Give Up by Jason Mraz.

When he first asked you to be his, you were unsure. The hate from "fans" can be killer, and you were already insecure. Niall wouldn't give up, he loved you and he proved it in every aspect possible. He just wouldn't give up until you agreed.

Louis: Let Me Love You by Ne-Yo.

Louis might me cheeky, but he also has a serious side. Especially when it came to you being upset. You had a habit of blocking him out when things got bad, and he hated that. He wanted you to let him help, and to let him love you.

Liam: Kiss You Inside Out by Hedley.

He knew how much you loved Hedley, so whenever you'd fangirl over them he'd sing it to you to make you smile. You knew you were lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend.

Zayn: The Girl by City And Colour.  

He was always away on tour, but you were so suportive and would never complain. Sometimes he worried you were upset about it. But you always assured him you weren't. You knew with his fame a fortune you could have anything you wanted and he'd be happy to give it to you, But you loved Zayn for him, not his money and you reminded him of that all the time.

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