"...Well at least he's with a good family, if that hel-"

"One of the pets I sold was killed Altea...."
Robin says interrupting Altea

".....What are you talking about?"
Altea asks concerned

"That human, you know brown hair?....The woman I gave him to murdered him..said he was to disobedient....that boy was only 17 Altea....poor thing barely started his life....and I took it away....."
Robin says

Altea stood in silent shock

".....Altea I cant let that happen to Y/N....
He deserves a good long life..and I can't let it happen to another"
Robin says grabbing Altea's hand

"....Robin....Silvia is not gonna let him go easy...you know that right, this is a pretty uphill battle"
Altea says with regret in her eyes

"I don't care...this isn't for me....it's for him...b-because....."
Robin stops

Altea looks at her with sad eyes....

"Because I love him Altea...I love him so much....."
Robin finishes, Altea embracing her in a warm hug.....


You wake up in darkness, you can barely see what's around you, but you sure as hell can feel it, it's very.....squishy? You begin to feel around until you hit something a little hard.

"What's this?"
You say squeezing it a bit

A soft moan is heard making you lose colour and fall over in fear

"Hey w-what are you in there you little perv!!!"
Silvia snaps as she reaches you out from between her breasts.

"I-I...t-there -was....I-it...."
You can barely speak you so flustered.

"Don't do that again...at least with our permission of course~"
Silvia states

You stare wide eyed in embarrassment.

"...hmm it appears to be bedtime for you little one"

Silvia says lifting up her coffin top.
And ringing a bell shortly after, The youngest little wolf girl shows up to the door

"Ah Kima, please bring the house pet back to his cage it's bed time for him.."
Silvia says handing you over to her

"Will do mistress.."
Lima answers

As you exit Silvia makes one last remark

"Don't forget Y/N....I own you now....and you may be immortal...but I can take that away anytime I want....so be a good little pet....and gets some rest. I have work to do"
The doors closes behind you as the little girl takes you downstairs.

"You're a funny looking toy aren't you?"
She says poking your head

You don't respond.

"Don't worry I'm very careful with my toys, I don't have many so I gotta be careful right? It only makes se-"
She suddenly bumps into something dropping you

Your squeaky little scream echos as you are caught by another hand.

"Kima....careful, this is why I handle him and not you..you clumsy little girl you"
Scarlet states holding you gently in her hand stroking your back after that mortifying fall.

"Now go on"
She says
Kima obeys and leaves the two of you alone

"Hey there friend. How are you?"
Scarlet asks bringing you up to her face

You reply

"I think you will end up back home soon....you'll get out of here somehow"
Scarlet says

You look at her with doubt

"Listen I cant help you escape but what I can do is try to make your stay at least pleasant while your here, so in the mean time just stay confident..ok?"
Scarlet says

You reluctantly nod.

"Good now if I heard correctly it's bedtime for you, so let's get to it"
Scarlet says putting you bags I ti the same old cage

"Now try to get some rest I have a feeling Ailsa wants to hang out with you more tomorrow. Quite the player aren't we?"
Scarlet says giggling

You lightly smile

"Goodnight Y/N sweet dreams"
Scarlet says leaving you..

"What wonderful adventures will tomorrow have"
You say lying down.

And slowly but surely drifting into a peaceful sleep for the night.....

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