Should you give it to him?

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Loud whirls and bangs of different tools echoed from the lab to the hallways. You peeked at Shredder through the doorway, attempting to keep slightly hidden. He was working on some new device for Krang and didn't want to be bothered. You hid behind the wall and looked down at the wrapped gift you had in your hands. You had stolen him a gift and did your best to wrap it, despite your lack of skills to do so. The fact that you were all going to destroy the world wasn't going to stop you from giving him a holiday gift. It may even be your ticket to showing him how you feel. Taking a deep breath, you mustered up the courage and walked up to Shredder with the gift behind your back.

"Hey Saki!"




"SAKI!!" You yelled. He turned to you and lifted up the welding mask.

" What is it? Can't you see I'm busy." He growled" I can. And i don't care. I wanted to give this to you" You mumbled the last part as you held up the gift. You looked away, a bit embarrassed. He looked a little confused. Receiving and giving gifts wasn't a normal thing that happened with him or anyone in the technodrome. He took it with caution, not knowing what to expect. You shifted nervously as he inspected the gift. you didn't know if putting a little fake mistletoe toe instead of a bow on the gift was a good risk to take, but you did it anyway.

It felt like an eternity, but Shredder finally began to open his gift. He opened it more carefully than you expected, so as not to damage the colorful paper. He uncovered a very valuable dagger that was put on display to the public recently. You noticed how he had eyed it on the news and figured that'd be a good thing to get him. He looked at you and said nothing. You knew he couldn't thank you and you saw that in his eyes.

" Happy Holidays.." you said to him softly, smiling gently at him as you turned to leave. He grabbed your wrist before you could leave. You looked back and saw him holding the mistletoe toe above you both. For a quick second he slipped off his mask and kissed you, pulling you closer as he did so. His lips were there as fast as they left, slipping the mask back on and returning to work. You stood there for a minute, blushing madly. He looked back at you and felt your cheeks heat up even more. As you were leaving he said underneath his breath, "Happy holidays to you too."

Holiday gift Shredder X Reader (1987)Where stories live. Discover now