~Chapter 6~

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"You can sleep in this", Barron said generously handing me a bright long red shirt that appeared to be his.

"Thanks!", I smiled back at Barron.

He pointed to the right corner of the room, there stood a door, and behind it revealed a pearly white bathroom that almost blinded me.

"Woah", I mumbled reaching my hand behind me and closing the door. I lifted up the shirt in front of me. On the shirt was a really cute graphic design of a shark. I slipped the dress- like shirt over head and slipped my arms into the large arm holes. I examined myself in the mirror. My figure was not very visible in his oversized shirt, but it was still awfully flattering. I smiled back at my reflection. I was really relieved that I had a place to stay. I nearly forgot to text my mom

Y/n: Hey mom, I just wanted to let you know I'm staying at a friend's house.

Mom: Okay, thanks for letting me know sweetie. Wish I could escape right about now.

I felt guilty. She was right, she hated him just as much as I did, but everytime he was drunk, she was stuck there. She didn't have anywhere to go and as an adult she has certain things she has to do. A loud bang interrupted my thoughts startling me.

"Hey y/n, you almost done in there?" Barron called from outside the door.

"My parents are gonna be here soon and Melania will probably check on me, you'll need to hide" Barron said trying his best not to rush me.

"Okay" I replied opening the door to reveal Barron.

Barron's icey blue eyes looked my figure up and down, and once again his eyes met mine. Butterflies swarmed my belly as if it was a beautiful flower garden being invaded by stunning monarchs, each unique on its on.

I hid under Barron's bed and on top layed Barron. Barron's door swung open and from my view a pair of rich crimson velvet heels froze.

"Oh hey mom". Barron sounded nervous which made me nervous as well.

"Hey Barron, do you need anything?" Melania asked. I layed face down. My breath was getting louder and I started getting hot. My leg moved the slightest bit and banged the side of the bed making a loud bang.

"Oops" I whispered in pain pulling my leg back underneath the bed. I covered my mouth.

"What was that?" Melania asked taking a small step into Barron's room. Her heels sank into the carpet as she stood waiting for an answer...

💗Barron Trump Fanfic💗 Barron X Reader! •Forbidden Love•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora