No Shit, Sherlock

Start from the beginning

And he called her beautiful. He called Logan beautiful. She thought that was his name for Astrid.

Maybe he uses that name for all his girl toys. She thinks to herself.

No. She says to herself. I can't afford to think like that.

Sirius walks around the castle trying to find the black haired beauty.

Was it really her? He thinks to himself. She seemed so... different. Not just in her appearance, but her attitude too.

It is true. She had changed her whole demeanor. She wanted to be different. She wanted to test out her new-found powers. She wanted to change the way people looked at her. She didn't want to be herself anymore.

So she changed.


Sirius's POV:

The tree. Of course she went to our tree. That's where she always goes to think. Or when she's pissed at me.

I climb up the tree and sit a branch over from her. She looks up at me, her new blue eyes sparkling. She's still beautiful.

"What?" She snaps.

I don't know what to say. She's still the same girl she was yesterday; only her appearance is different. But it feels different to be around her. Do her new looks and clothes have something to do with it? They shouldn't. Metamorphamagus's can't change their personalities, can they?

"You... look different."

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Who's Sherlock?"

"Doesn't matter," she says. "Why're you being Captain Obvious?"

"I-I'm not. I was just pointing out that you-"

"I know," she cuts me off. "I look different. I realize that. I did this to myself, you know?" She holds up her black hair to show me.

"I figured," I mumble under my breath. "But why? Why would you change your appearance so drastically?"

She shrugs her shoulders in response.

"Has anyone else seen your new look?" She shakes her head.

"They wouldn't recognize me anyway," she says. "You didn't."

She starts to climb down the tree, but I'm already hot on her tail.

"Hey!" I shout after her. "Wait up!"

She jumps down the branch she's currently on, landing swiftly on her feet. Astrid can't do that without braking an ankle. But maybe Logan can.

I jump down from the branch I'm currently on but I don't land as swiftly as Astrid... Or Logan. Whoever she is.

My ankle twists on impact. Pain shoots through my leg. I crumple to the ground.

She turns around and looks at me. Her eyes are back to grey, her dark hair slowly turning back to that strawberry-blonde I love. Concern is etched in her face. She rushes over to me.

The last thing I remember is her voice. Saying my name over... and over... and over... and over.......


"Will he wake up?" A female voice says.

"I'm certain he will, dear," this voice is Poppy, the school nurse.

"But why isn't he awake yet?" The female voice says again.

"I'm not sure, sweetie," Poppy says. "But I'm sure he'll wake up soon. Why don't you go back to your dorm and rest?"

"No," the female voice says. "I'm staying here until he wakes up."

"Alright," Poppy says. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me."

I hear footsteps walking away. As soon as I can't hear them anymore, a small hand grabs my hand laying unmoving next to me.

"Hey," the voice says, who I now realize is Astrid. "I know you can't hear me, which is probably a good thing considering the thing I'm going to tell you." She sighs. I can feel her hot breath on my arm. "You wanna know why I changed my appearance so drastically?" I do. I do want to know. "I wanted to be different. I wanted to change everything about me, but still be me. I know that may not make much sense, I realize that now, but that's the truth." She squeezes my hand.

Why would she want to change? I love her the way she is. Wait. Back up. Did I just say I love her? What is wrong with me? I've never loved someone. Ever.

"Also," she continues. "I wanted to tell you something. This is really hard for me to admit, but, I think I, I mean, I'm pretty sure I have developed feelings for you."

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