Grey Blob

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-chapter 10-

I make my way back to the Common Room. I mutter the password to the Fat Lady and drag my feet through the portrait. I sit down on one of the couches, resting my head in my hands with my elbows on my knees.

Sirius Black. Almost. Kissed. Me. Me! No one has ever tried to kiss me! Not even to put me on their list.

I run upstairs and grab The Outsiders from my bag. I sit back down on the same couch and start to read.

I read for probably two or three hours to take my mind off things. Soon I hear the portrait swing open and then swing shut again. I don't bother turning around to see who it is. The person walks past me and up the boys stairs case. I catch a glimpse of who it is, even though I already knew.


I wake up, only to find myself in the same position I was in last night when I was reading. I look around the Common Room. No one was down here yet. I look at the clock. It reads 5:30 AM.

I stand up, stretching my arms above my head. I yawn then sigh.

Day number three.

I have no idea how I'm going to make it through the year. Or the next one after that.

I toss The Outsiders on the couch and walk up the girls' stair case. I slowly open the door to my dorm so I don't wake up any of the girls. I slowly close the door behind me and turn around. I yelp in surprise.

Sirius' POV:

I watch Astrid's small frame walk away from me.

She looks over her shoulder at me. "I don't want to be on that list." She turns back around and walks away. I watch her until she rounds a corner, no longer in my line of vision.

'What was I thinking!' I think to myself. 'It was only her second day! I'm such an idiot!'

Astrid isn't just some random girl I tried to kiss. She's something different: she's special. She's got the looks, sure, but her personality is what gets me. She's Muggle-born; I've never seen one so confident. She walks around, not afraid of anything. She says what she's thinking. She stands up to people. (James mostly.)

She's got spunk.

I find my way back to the Common Room. I mutter the password to the Fat Lady lady and walk in. I see her sitting there, just reading. Her long hair flowing down her back. I put my hands in my pockets and walk past her, up the stair case to my dorm.

I stop at the door, wondering if I should say anything to the boys about what happened.

Probably not a good idea.

Astrid's POV:

I quickly flick on the light. I take in my surroundings. Alice, Marlene, Lily and who I assume to be Emmeline, sitting on the floor, looking up at me. Behind them is a pile on wrapped presents.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Surprise!" They all yell.

"What's this?" I repeat.

Lily stands up and grabs my hand, tugging me over to the pile of presents. She points at it. "For you."

"M-me?" I stutter.

"Yeah," Lily says. "We wanted to officially welcome you to Gryffindor and to the sixth year girls' dorm."

I feel hot tears start to brim my eyes. "I-I've never had anything like this." I say. I wrap Lily in a tight hug. She hugs me back. "Thank you." I whisper in her ear.

"You're welcome." She says. She turns to face the three other girls.


After I finish opening all of my presents, it was already 8 AM.

I now have so many new things. I got a big pile of books from Lily. Marlene got me some makeup (ugh) and a new messenger bag. Alice got me some little trinkets. Emmeline's present was the most surprising. Emmeline excused herself from the room and came back a few minutes later with a bundle of blankets in her arms. She set the bundle in my lap and sat down next to me.

"For you, Astrid." She whispered, her voice soft. I smiled at the pretty girl sitting next to me. I slowly started to unwrap the bundle and jumped back in surprise when a grey blob popped out. The grey blob skipped over the Lily. Lily picked up the blob and put it in my lap.

I looked down at the grey blob of a kitten. He was the cutest thing ever. He's all grey with a white diamond on his chest. He has bright blue eyes.

We're all playing with Nightro (the kitten) when there's a knock on the door. I place Nightro on the floor by Emmeline and walk to the door. I smile back at my friends and open the door.

I glare at the person standing on the other side. "Can I talk to you?" They ask. "Please?"

I nod my head and follow Sirius out of my dorm. He leads me to an empty corridor. He turns around and looks at me. I fold my arms across my chest.


"I'm sorry." He blurts.

"What?" Sirius Black, apologize?

"You heard me," he says. "I'm not repeating it again."

"I'm sorry, too."

"Why're you sorry?"

"I shouldn't have been so rude," I say. "I don't know anything about you, just what I've heard through rumors. I shouldn't have been so quick to judge you. I'm sorry." I repeat again.


The days fly by and soon it's the first day of class. The girls and I get our schedules and compare them. We only have one class together: Defense Against the Dark Arts: DADA.

I head to my first class and find only one person I know: Sirius.

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