Ch.1 Enter, Aishia Ambrose

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Aishia's POV ~

[5 Years Ago - Masayoshi Island, Saki ni tanzō Village]  

"Are you sure about this Aishia?"

"Yeah, I am"

"You can still change your mind you know. There's still a week left before you turn 18"

Looking up at the sky, I locked my hands behind my head with a sigh.

"Look Kaikō, I know you're worried about me but you don't have to be" Glancing at him from the corner of my eye, I watched as my childhood friend huffed in an annoyed defeat.

There was no way he was going to change my mind. And he knew it. 

Part of me felt bad about it, I was being stubborn. I know that.

Offering a sympathetic smile towards him, I sat on the stone wall next to him and watched as he ran his fingers through his shaggy blonde hair. His green eyes glaring at the ground under him.

"Its not going to be as bad as you think Kai, a lot of kids my age are matched with a partner. It isn't so unheard of..... even you got paired with one"

He sighed exaggeratedly, knowing I was right. Again.

"Yeah but, I just don't like the idea of you being stuck with some guy I don't even know"

Smirking at him, I held back a scoff "You got stuck with some woman I didn't know. You don't see me freaking out"

His eyes narrowed at he turned his glare at me, annoyance written all over his face.

He was just too easy sometimes.

Pushing myself to my feet, I reached up and ruffled his hair. I used to be taller than him growing up but recently he's really shot up there. Its a wonder I can still reach his head. Hahaha.

"It'll be fine Kaikō"

Softening his glares, shook his head and started to walk away, "Come on, we better be getting back" 

"Why? Something going on today I didn't hear about?" Following behind him, I glanced quizzically at him.

"Nah, I just promised Chiyo I'd play with her today.... I've been getting so much work these days I haven't been home as much.... she told me that if I didn't she'd follow me for a week nagging me to pay attention to her"

Laughing at this, he smiled. I can imagine this happening, since its happened before.

"Well what else are siblings for other than to black mail you into spending quality time together?"

He laughed this time, knowing full well what I meant. I've also done this to my older brothers. Its so much fun. being a younger sister, I understand where Chiyo is coming from completely.

"Well, I'll be seeing you"

"See ya!"

I waved as I watched him walk off in the direction of his house. We didn't live that far apart but they were in two seperate directions, sighing as I walked back home..... part of me wanted to hang out with him a bit more.

He's only a year older than me, but we've always been really close.
Lately though, I haven't seen him around quite as often. 
He turned 18 about 6 years ago. 
Then was partnered with the red haired and eyed Chidori Hoshi.
And ever since then, they've been taking on jobs all over the place.
Part of me was really excited for him.....
Then the other was feeling lonely.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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